Eight: Thomas and Trace: Private Benvestigators

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A/N: Who remembers this song on Glee? It makes me so emotional every time until I remember it's about a rat XD

Baby Michael Jackson though <3

"So we're banishing him," Trace said, as she approached Alby later that day. The medjacks had patched her up and she was good to go. The only thing troubling her now was the fact that Ben attacked her, not Thomas.

"Who told you that?"

"Mama Noot," she said quickly, realising nobody had actually told her; she'd just assumed that would be the case.


"Mama Noot. He's over there with Papa MinMin."

"You hit your head pretty hard back there, didn't you? Besides, why are they the parents of the Glade? Shouldn't I be Father Alby or something?"

"You're not a priest," Trace scoffed.

"Daddy Alby?"

"No. And you'll be Annoying Alby if you keep this up."


Trace headed over to the box hole for no particular reason other than that it was in the centre of the Glade and she could spy on pretty much everyone from there. She sat down and made herself comfortable, choosing to stare at Gally from a distance. He was ordering around some of the other builders, pointing angrily at one wall of the Homestead. From where she was, Trace couldn't really see anything wrong with it. Maybe it was too brown for his liking? That sounded like something Gally would complain about.

Then again, Gally complained about everything.


Trace jumped about a foot in the air at the sound of Thomas' voice as he sat down beside her. Frantically, she fixed her hair as best she could before attempting to reply in a manner she hoped came across as nonchalant.

"Oh, hey."

Acting like Thomas was no big deal was such a difficult task. It took immense concentration and focus to prevent from screaming in his face about how good-looking, athletic, and talented he was.

But Trace had mastered the act. Somewhat.

"That was crazy back there, right? That doesn't happen often here, does it?"

Trace had been so busy studying the moles on Thomas' neck that she almost forgot to answer.

"Yeah, I mean, no. No, that doesn't happen often."

"What do you think he meant? 'You could've stopped it'? What was he talking about?"

"I don't know, Thomas. I know just as much as you do."

That was a lie. An outright lie. She knew so much more than he did.

She just had no shucking clue as to what this was about.

"Well, it's weird. Definitely weird. Newt said people remember things when they get stung. When they go through The Changing. Is that true? Could he have remembered you?"

She knew Ben remembered her. Why else would he have said that? But she just didn't know what she could've done to make him so angry. Was she the new Thomas? The new Teresa?

She supposed she'd have to wait until they made it out of here to figure it out.

If she made it out. Ben's attack had her feeling a little more mortal than she did before. There was no telling whether she'd actually make it out of the maze alive.

That sucked. She liked to know what was going on here at all times, and Ben was rude enough to ruin that for her. Slinthead.


"Yeah, Thomas. He probably remembered me. I just don't know why."



Thomas asked about forty more question before Newt and Minho came along to join them. Thankfully, as Trace was a few seconds away from pushing Thomas straight back into the box.

"Sup, shanks. Made it to first base yet, Thomas?"

Minho's abrupt and blunt interruption turned Trace's cheeks a bright shade of red. Thomas looked appalled.

"Ignore him. He's just kidding," Newt reassured you both, shooting Minho a sideways glare. "What were you two talking about anyway? Remember anything important?"

Thomas shrugged. "Nothing. Can't even work out why Ben would remember Trace either."

Newt sighed, "Well, we can't get much out of him now. He's still thrashing around in the Slammer like a bloody maniac. Yelling that same bloody thing over and over. Doing my head in, he is."

Trace was watching Minho; he was quieter than usual, and she knew how close he was to Ben. This would be so tough on him.

Newt looked up suddenly and stared at a point across the Glade by the East Doors. Alby was by the entrance, beckoning them all to come over. It seemed that now was the time.

The Benishment was about to begin.

Trace couldn't benlieve this was actually happening.

She also couldn't benlieve she'd just come up with that pun; it wasn't even remotely bentertaining.

Okay, she had to stop that. A boy was about to be killed. It was the worst kind of punishment.

The ultimate benalty.

He'd been bentenced to death.

Suddenly, she was very thankful for her lack of ability to communicate telekinetically with Thomas. If he heard what she was thinking now, he'd think she was crazy.

Bentally unstable.


Maybe that's what Ben meant; she could've stopped the puns, but she didn't. Maybe she was supposed to stop freaking out over the Gladers but she didn't. Maybe she was supposed to stop James Dashner from writing more books and causing more pain but she didn't.

No, let's be honest here; she probably worked for WICKED. It was the obvious answer. She probably made the maze with Thomas. Maybe Teresa too. She was probably responsible for numerous deaths. She was probably good friends with Ava Paige. Buddies with the Ratman.

It still didn't explain why she remembered the series, though.

She could only hope she'd find out more as they went along. That was the theme with this series anyway. Hopefully it would work out in her favour.

But first, she had to get through this. First, she had to watch Ben be benished- banished. She had to watch him be banished.

Then the storyline could continue as normal. As expected.

Or so she hoped...

A/N: Vote/comment if you enjoyed this. I read (and appreciate) each and every comment you make <3

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