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P r e v i o u s l y . . .

Placing her hand on the handle she opened the door, to see a surprised, but smiling Al preparing to knock. He let his hand drop, taking hers. She lead him into the room. He walked to the other side. Somehow he just knew which side she had claimed. When they were both in bed Al opened his arms to her, and Lilly placed her head on his chest, content with their closeness. She let out and easy sigh, allowing sleep to take her, but just before the darkness swept her into a peaceful rest, she heard sweet words being whispered into her ear.

Al knew it was too soon, but he had to say it even if it was just to her sleeping form. "Il mio cuore è solo tuo." 

+ + + + + + + + + + + + 

It was just like any other Sunday. Except when Lilly's alarm went off, it was Al, who reached over her to turn it off. Still hovering over her, he looked at the very sleepy Lilly under him, "Good morning, angel," he whispered, not wanting to truly disturb the steady silence of sleep.

"Mmm," she mumbled, snuggling into his arm, her eyes firmly shut. Al smiled softly.

"Lil, you have to wake up," he continued, but she stayed still with only her even breath against his arm. He bent closer towards her, so all of his weight was being supported by his arms, but his body was pressed against her. Then, he skimmed his nose along her jaw, neck and shoulder. He could tell she was waking. 

Lilly fought to stay asleep, but Al's very presence was hard to ignore. Suddenly, his tracing nose was replaced feather like kisses, which turned to sweet nibs. Until a he was giving the spot in between her neck and shoulder attention, and she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. She became alive underneath him.

Al swept down, and flipped them, so she was securely straddling his torso. A beautiful Lilly with sleep still in her eyes gazed down at him. "Good morning," she whispered, as he had. "That was an interesting way to be woken," she stated with a soft breathy laugh. Al simply winked back. Lilly placed her hands on his chest feeling her way up till her chest was against his, and kissed him up his neck to his chin, but suddenly pulled away before reaching his lips. 

"Well, that wasn't very nice," Al chuckled. "Why'd you stop?" He asked afraid he was pushing her to go to fast.

She scrunched up her nose, and placed her hand over her mouth, "Morning breath," she declared.

That wasn't enough to stop Al from getting pulling her face towards her, and sealing their lips in a much needed kiss. When they pulled away, Al stopped her, and smiled, breathing in deeply, he said, "not that bad. Kinda smells good actually."

In disbelief, Lilly pushed him back, "Ew!" She giggled before getting up, and heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. 

"What? Lil, don't you like the smell of my breath?" he asked, walking into the bathroom, where she was already brushing her teeth. She shook her head, and smiling widely. "That hurts," but he moves to pickup his toothbrush, and begins brushing his teeth too. When he's done, Lilly gets on her tippy toes and gives him a minty fresh kiss. "Mmm," he hums into the kiss, and Lilly smiles. She turns around staying in front of him, and beings doing her hair and makeup. When her arms go up to create her perfect pony tail, Al notices her shirt lifts too, reviling a small sliver of skin. His hands gently skim the skin, and it causes Lilly to erupt into a fit of giggles releasing her hair in the process. 

When she looks in the mirror up at him, Lilly discovers a wicked smile on his face. "Oh no!" She calls, running down the hall to the couch. She leaps on to it, realizing only to late there is nowhere to go. 

"Lilly, I never knew you were ticklish," he states a wide smile on his face.

"You stay where you are, mister," she warns. 

"I'm not going to do anything," he replies, trying to appear innocent, but failing miserably.

"Right, and the easter bunny's really a frog," Lilly shots. Al get closer and Lilly holds her fists up ready to punch, but before she can get closer, Al holds her wrist.

"Who taught you how to punch?" He asks looking over her sad excuse for a grip.

"Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality," she stated.

"You and I are going to have some of our own lessons. Everyone should know how to throw a descent punch, but for now we have to get dress," he adds, looking over at the clock. Lilly quickly jumps off the couch and makes a break for her room, where she locks the door. She hasn't laughed so much in one morning, in forever.

 I love that man, she thought as she pulled on her uniform, and stopped in her tracks. Did I mean that? No, of course not. It's far too soon. Right? Is that possible. This isn't a fairytale, this is my life. She finished putting on her clothes leaving the confines of her room to see a very handsome man, combing his hair down. She smiled when she spotted him watching her in the mirror, and he winked. Yea, I think it is possible. He moved over giving her the room she needed to get ready. "Meet you in the kitchen," he stated, leaning down to give her a chaste kiss on the check. Lilly watched has Brody followed him down the hall to the kitchen. 

Al pulled their bagels and cream cheese out, preparing their breakfast. Before he moved over to the coffee maker, pouring out two cups, and readying them just the way they both like it. When he looked up Lilly was bent filling Brody's bowl with food. "Ready, beautiful," he asked, handing her the coffee cup.

"Ready, handsome," she replied. 

"Oh I like that," he smiled, and she peeked him on the cheek. 

"Really? Cause I was talking to Brody," she giggled.

"That was cruel," he remarked, but he could see the humor in her eyes. He retrieved their food, while she grabbed her VONS uniform, and the keys. "Too work."

"Too work," she agreed, and together they left their home. Al pulling the door shut behind them.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + 

T o   b e   c o n t i n u e d . . .

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