Realize (49)

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The gang positioned themselves on the stage.

The crowd instantly got excited because every year, the Sky Deviants would always surprise them. It was either with the intensity of the lyrics being sung or the quirky sound of the music being played. They wondered what it would be this year.

Todd cleared his throat on the microphone. Inwardly, he was nervous. Although you couldn't tell it with his cool expression.

“I’d like to say something.”

The auditorium turned silent, waiting for him to continue.

Whoa, he thought. I never thought that I’d be this nervous.

He tried to shake the feeling away and took a deep breath.

“See,” he finally started, “when I was writing this song for the Clash, there was a particular person in my mind. I didn’t know at the time that she, no matter how annoying she is, was already special to me. Or maybe I knew, I just didn’t have the courage to admit it to myself.” He paused and smiled. “I just wanna say to that girl . . .”

Here it is!!! thought Brian, Karl, and Peter in anticipation.

Is he gonna say . . . ?! thought Kim and Jen.

Todd eyes the audience, before facing Maxine beside him.

Maxine gasped in surprise. She wasn't expecting this. She stood frozen, not sure on what to do. Her heart pounded against her chest so hard that she wondered if it was going to jump out from her.

He noticed her reaction and grinned broadly. He lifted up a hand to touch her cheek. His eyes found hers and held them in contact.

“Max,” he said softly.

She held her breath, waiting.

“I wrote this song for you,” he finished. Darn it, he thought. I said something else.

Maxine tried not to be disappointed.

“What?” hissed Peter.

Kim and Jen exchanged dismayed looks from their seats.

“Maybe he’s not ready yet,” shrugged Brian, a bit saddened.

“What are you guys talking about?” Karl asked Peter and Brian.

“We’ll explain later,” Peter answered his best friend.

Maxine really thought that Todd would finally say the three words that she wanted to hear. But she thought that maybe it wasn't the right time for them to say it yet. She didn't want to hear it because she was insecure at the moment. And she didn't want him to say it because he felt that he had to.

In time, they'll be ready. For now, actions are enough.

Besides, she was still touched by what Todd said. He had the courage to announce it in front of many people, after all. Speaking of . . .

“Um.” Maxine glanced at the crowd. “You didn’t have to tell it in front of everyone,” she whispered to him. “It’s embarrassing.”

“You think I'm comfortable blabbing things like that?” asked Todd incredulously. A light shade of pink appeared in his cheeks, causing him to look away from her.

Maxine bit her lip, preventing herself from smiling so wide and giddy. She knew that Todd didn't usually do things like that. If truth be told, he preferred to keep his personal life private from anyone who didn't have any business in it. Hence, doing something like that for her was quite sweet. It was one of the many proofs of how much special she was for him.

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