Prussia Mochi

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5 November 1989

Today I met the most peculiar person. Well, I wouldn't say person, he's...odd. I think he called himself a mochi. I don't know what that is, but I didn't get to ask a whole lot of questions. He seemed fixated on the wall, the Berliner Mauer, for whatever reason. I thought maybe he wanted to be alone, so I went to Oma's house. She was very happy to see me. She says things are going to change around here. I don't know what she means, but Mutti says Oma usually knows what's going on. I hope whatever the change is that it'll be for the better. Things aren't as bad here in like they were right after the war, but some good change will make life a little better in the DDR.

Yours, (y/n)

6 November 1989

I learned the little mochi's name today! He says his name is Prussia Mochi. It's kind of weird because Prussia doesn't exist anymore, but I didn't mention that to him. It would've been rude. I wouldn't want to be mean to my new friend. At least, I think he's my friend. I saw him by the wall again today, and I stopped to say hello. He seems so lonely sitting there by himself. I could see it in his red eyes. Yes, his eyes are red. It's odd, I know, but his very existence is rather odd, so I don't question it. I wonder if I'll see him there again tomorrow. I hope so. He's very fun to talk to.

Yours, (y/n)

7 November 1989

I went to see Prussia Mochi again today. Mutti asked me where I run off to all the time, but I didn't tell her I was going to see him. I don't think she'd believe me if I did. Prussia Mochi can be very funny sometimes, but also very sad. He likes the word 'awesome', and I made fun of him for it. He said that makes me 'unawesome'. We laughed about that a lot. He would sometimes stopped laughing and became very serious. I asked him about it, but he wouldn't tell me. I wonder what could be bothering him so much. Oma always says people only hide shameful things or very painful things. I can't tell with Prussia Mochi. He hides it behind his smile, but I'll figure it out, somehow.

Yours, (y/n)

8 November 1989

I've heard of a lot of families that were torn apart by the way our country has been split, but I've never seen it until now. Poor, poor Prussia Mochi. His Bruder is inside the wall, and he hasn't been able to see him since the wall went up in the 60's. Today he told me that he goes to the wall everyday in hopes that it would be the day it comes down. Oma remembers what Berlin was like before the wall. She says it was a wonderful place, and the pride of our country. I wish with all my heart, for Prussia Mochi's sake, that horrible wall comes crashing down. I'm going to visit the mochi again tomorrow and wait for it to come down too.

Yours, (y/n)

You make your way to the massive concrete wall that circles half of your city for the fifth time this week. It's already after 19:00, but you promised Prussia Mochi you'd visit him again today. The white mochi is on the same hill he's been sitting on all week, and you carefully sit down next to him. He glances at you slightly before looking back at the wall.

"Guten Tag," you say to Prussia Mochi.

"Guten Tag, (y/n)," he responds.

The two of you sit in silence while you stare at the blank white face of the large wall. You can't help but wonder what it looks like from the other side. "Prussia Mochi, what do you think the other side of the wall looks like?"

"I don't know," he says. "Don't ask me weird questions like that. It's unawesome."

You roll your eyes. "Yes, because I'm the most unawesome person you've ever met."

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