12 // Kissing and Telling

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People always say

"why regret something you once wanted?"

but if i had known

what i know now

i never would have wanted it

in the first place —(r.h.)




Her hand was so tiny and soft, which was the exact opposite of mine. "So, Hawthorne," I began cooly. "What classes are you taking?" I was desperately trying to find out anything about her—all I knew so far was that she was the coach's daughter. No name. No nothing.

"I'm in AP Calculus, AP U.S. History, AP Comp, Spanish 4, AP Environmental Science, and The Art of Yoga." She finished with a sigh. I watched as the index finger of her left hand traced the rim of her coffee cup.

"Jesus, trying to get into Oxford?" I raised my eyebrows at her, more impressed than that time Derek purposely scored a goal against Walden. He wasn't even facing the net!

"Something like that," she tilted her head to the side, like she was actually considering it. "Anything to get out of this dammed town." Did I detect a hint of aggression in her voice? Yeah, I think I did.

"That was what I wanted too," I agreed with her.

"Was? Wanted?" She asked me and in response, I tried really hard not to clench my hands into fists.

"Yeah, things got... complicated," I said thinking of Jules and my... child... "But I think I'm in your AP Calc class." I changed the subject as I bit into Jules's scone, trying to keep my girlfriend as far out of my mind as possible. Mmmm raspberry.

"Mrs. Caldwell? Right before lunch?" She asked, her voice going up an octave.

"Yeah, that stupid test or quiz or whatever it's called, was so hard yesterday." I shook my head.

"Number 2..." She trailed off before taking a sip of coffee.

"Shoot me," I said and we both laughed away the last bits of tension. I wove my fingers through hers, my thumb rubbing the side of her index finger.

"So, besides being in my Calc class, what other classes do you take?" she asked me.

"I'm in European History, Honors French 4, AP Economics, and Honors Physics."

"Holy crap, you're smart." She whispered under her breath, her eyebrows furrowed together like she could barely believe it. She stared down at the red table trying to come to terms with what she had just heard. "And you're a hockey player." She continued in incredulity, like one of Newton's laws had just been disproved and her whole life was a lie.

"Sorry to burst your bubble there, Darling." I chuckled, calling her by a nickname I had never used on any girl. For some reason though, it sounded so natural to call her that.

"But you're a hockey player." She repeated, like I was supposed to be dumb because of the sport I played.

"With a 3.85 GPA." I shot her a flashy smile, not being able to resist rubbing it in just a little bit. I took another bite of Jules's raspberry scone while I waited for her to process. It was delicious. "So, yoga..." I laughed, bringing her out of her trance.

"I needed an art credit." The girl cracked half a smile. Every Monday instead of practice, our team did yoga, but I wasn't about to tell her that. I doubt she would even believe me.

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