Becoming an Agent

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Alex sighed. The traffic roared past him, zooming down the busy London road hastily to get home to anxious family. Alex was sixteen years old, and currently living in his house with his new 'guardian' that MI6 had assigned him. His 'guardian' was Ben Daniels, MI6 agent and former SAS. For nearly two years now, Alex had been blackmailed less and less to go on missions. He knew they'd simply find something else he mildly cared about like, let's say, Brooklands. Then they'd go in with a bulldozer and threaten do destroy it and the pupils and staff in the building. They hadn't had to resort to something as extreme as that yet because Alex had slowly cooperated more until there was a mild, yet extremely practiced, death glare heading in Blunts direction.

He'd been on eleven missions since Jack died in Cairo and he knew be was due his twelfth soon. It was the seventh of December, and the (roughly) month gap between each month long mission was over. Any day now he'd get a call. The call. The one he dreaded, yet got slightly excited about. After all, school, especially year eleven, was boring. Alex already knew most of it because of the roles he'd played in missions.

As he thought about the absurdity of the concept of school, he arrived at his home. Home sweet home. Knocking loudly on the door and wincing slightly at the noise it made outside the house, he was finally let in by an exhausted Ben."I'm back!" Ben said, grinning like a maniac. "The mission actually finished on time! Unlike Columbia of course.." Ben trailed off on the last part, but Alex still caught it.

"Yeah, Columbia was hell... after four weeks, you would of thought they'd send a search party. But no. They couldn't risk blowing our cover..." Alex grumbled in reply. Alex gestured to the open door Ben was blocking."Do you mind?"

"Oh, yes. Sorry." Ben blushed slightly red as Alex pushed past and went upstairs to dump his bag and do his homework. He quickly got changed into his normal black shirt and cheap leather jacket, with frayed jeans to match.

As he sat down, he wondered when when the call would come. It was a Friday so the call could come any time over the weekend or tonight. It never came during school. That was because after an English lesson was rudely inerupted with a request for a meeting, there was a shouting match. The winning team, of course, was Alex. The losers were Blunt and Jones, who more like tinted their voices with anger than full on shouted. Anyway, that was the end of calling during school hours. Maybe it will come on Saturday...

His line of thought was rudely interrupted by the teeth-grating sound of his phone ringing. It was an iphone 7, second hand from someone who got it, then decided they'd prefer the iPhone 7+, but had lost the receipt. So they sold it. A hidden callers ID confirmed his thoughts. The call. He sighed once more, then answered it."Hello?" He had to make sure it was the bank before he could rattle of state secrets to the other end of the phone.

"Yes, is this Alex Rider?"

"Who's calling?"

"Its the bank, we'd like to arrange a meeting about a problem in your account. The meeting is scheduled for five o'clock, we will send a car, is that ok?"

"Its fine, I will take the tube. And you never confirmed the speaker, its Rider. Don't forget next time."

"Thank you for using the Royal and General"

For the third time in less than an hour, Alex sighed. He stood up, pocketing his phone and wallet, making sure he had entry of cash. Walking downstairs, he shouted for Ben. "Ben! The bank called! Five o'clock, I'm taking the tube. You ok having tea on your own?"

"Alex! I'm not a child! Of course I don't mind dinner on my own, but I will save you some anyway. It's lasagne!" Alex descended the final step and checked the clock. Quarter to five.

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