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Um, something unexpected happen last night. I kinda sorta sprained my ankle really badly. That's right, I'm in a boot for 6-8 weeks and in crutches for one of those weeks. I'll probably have Lexi carry my things because she's my friend and she's in all my classes. Perfect. You may be wondering how this happened. Well, *clears throat* I would rather say something that sounds epic. Let's try, I was wrestling with a crocodile and it threw me into a log. My ankle hit and it got sprained. Or, I was doing "classified mermaid business" and I swam into a.....anchor? I honestly don't know. What really happened is pathetic and you'd probably think "Oh my god, how does she do this? Like, who's that clumsy?" If you aren't thinking that now, you soon will. Here's what happened: I was reading and watching TV (that's right, I can multitask) in my moms bed. I decided that I should probably put my novel in my backpack (it's called "Breaking the Ice" and it's so good that I finished it in less than a day). I got out of bed and started to walk downstairs. We have about 13 steps between the up and downstairs. So four steps from the top, I fell. That's 9 steps I fell down. How I fell down was even stupider. I tripped on my pj pants. I TRIPPED ON MY PAJAMAS! Pathetic, I know. I hope you will not make this mistake. Thanks for reading and in hoping you aren't laughing at my stupidity. Also,


If you can read that I will give you a shoutout next chapter. Just comment below. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed laughing at my clumsiness.

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