02 ‖ The Suicidal King

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My eyes glimmer with awe as I admire the palace's architecture which is like no other in the district

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My eyes glimmer with awe as I admire the palace's architecture which is like no other in the district. The flooring is made with stones of soft gold hues and the white stones on the walls glisten under the moon. A true masterpiece by the designer. Despite having been here for a couple of days now, it never fails to amaze me how magnificent this place is.

I tail behind Casimir silently as he trudges towards the throne room. We both knew that we were in hot soup. News had spread and it did not take long for it to reach the king. Less than an hour after the firefighters had arrived, the incident had already made headlines across Acreria. 

'Prince Becomes Arsonist'. 

It became the talk of the town.

The prince must be insane. It's going to be the end of Acreria once he becomes king. He has to be stopped.

Understandably, those were the main worries circulating amongst the citizens. After all, who would not fret over having a prince who is reported to have mercilessly burnt down someone's home?

The second we had set foot in the palace, we were informed by the chamberlain that the king had been demanding to see us in the throne room and that brings us to where we are now.

Usually, the walk from the entrance of the palace to the throne room feels rather tedious. Yet tonight, the distance feels incredibly short. Soon enough, we are standing in the shadow of the towering snow-white doors that are carefully decorated with gold swirls. There is a slight gap between the doors as if someone had already been expecting our arrival. 

Well, to be fair, there is someone waiting for us—the king.

Without any warning, Casimir pushes open the colossal doors, only to reveal an empty room. We are expecting to see an infuriated king seated on his throne but to our surprise, there is no one.

Casimir lets out a random sigh as he scans the throne room before stating dully. 

"Father, I know you're in here."

To my astonishment, the king sulkily appears from behind the vermillion drapes that rested beside his majestic throne. What is even more surprising is the fact that he is not dressed in a very king-like manner. 

You would expect the King of Acreria to be clothed in royal apparel such as a royal mantle or at the very least a crown. In no way did he come off as formidable. Instead, he seemed rather amiable in his Lincoln green t-shirt and tie-dye shorts. 

Some interesting sense of fashion I must say. Especially for the ruler of a kingdom.

As unexpected as it might seem, this is actually my first meeting with the rarely descried king. Although I am hired to be the prince's bodyguard, there wasn't any need for the king to see me. I simply had to take a few tests that the king had set and the performance was observed and graded by the commander of the royal military. Though I would not deny that he was pretty condescending and sceptical of my capabilities initially. However, after surpassing every other candidate in more than half of the tests, he was impressed by my competency.

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