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Arriving at the river, I thought to myself how tranquil this scene was. With the sound of rushing water entering my mind— it was so peaceful. In contrast with the past few days' events, it seemed strange such a place; such a break in the world could exist. I looked around for Aurora, gripping my bow slung over my shoulder, just in case. Not seeing her, I decided to see if she would show when I whistled.

With the sound of air being pushed through my lips, the cracking of branches caught me off guard before Aurora appeared in the sky above, flapping her wings as she rose from the forest. She had stayed, just like I had asked her to. Landing on her hind legs, Aurora gracefully placed her front legs down before folding her wings elegantly behind her. In the setting sun, for the first time, I realised what a majestic creature she truly was. Her blue-white scales seemed to shine like diamonds as her blue eyes melted away any sense of fear and dread I'd been feeling.

Abagail. Aurora spoke, dipping her head low in respect.

I began walking closer to her.  Slowly raising my hand, I gently placed it against the side of her head. This was the first time I'd ever felt the surface of a Dragon. The texture was rough against my smooth skin, and up close the scales seemed to look more defiant. Each scale seemed to be tougher and more hardy than the next, indicating that she wouldn't go down easily.

Moving closer to the side of her body, I gazed at her shoulder where the mark stood. There, on her back, stood the same mark that I had on my shoulder blade. It looked like a dragon's tail, curving slightly at the top, from which pointed horns followed all the way down from tip to tip.

It means strength. Aurora whispered. Her head gently nudged my side causing a smile to form on my lips.

Turning towards her, I gazed into her bright blue and purple eyes that were just in front of mine. "How do you know what it means?"

Each rider bears a different mark, all meaning something different. To other Dragons, it shows who you belong to and what that person represents. Her head lowered slightly before she moved, so her body was surrounding mine. Working like a cocoon, she used her body so I could lay against her. Placing her head on my lap, she continued.

You, Abagail, show so much strength, carrying it with you every day.

"Me?" I asked bewildered. "How do I show strength? All I do is pretend to be strong, there is no way that this mark means that."

Breathing through her nose as if she had scoffed, Aurora gently nudged my head with her own.

See that's where you are wrong, dear Rider. Strength comes from the heart. You have shown so much of it when protecting your family and loved ones.

Looking down at my hands that rested on my lap, I mulled over her words. Yes, I showed strength when it was needed, but I couldn't get myself to believe in what she was saying.

"How can I show strength when every time I get close to someone they leave?" I whispered.

But that's where you are wrong, Abagail. No one ever fully leaves; they always stay with you in your heart.

She was right. Even though my father had disappeared, I still thought about him every day and carried his bow and arrows. I knew that he would be proud of whom I have become; and that he was smiling down at me right now.

That's what I wanted to hear. Aurora whispered. Just remember, strength is from the heart, not the head.

Satisfied, I stood up and onto my feet. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I knew something about my mark, and now I wanted to know some more. There was still so much that I needed to know and I had a long lesson ahead of me.

The Dragon Rider Vol.1 [PUBLISHED & AVAILABLE ON AUDIBLE]Where stories live. Discover now