Three: Boy

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Hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapter!
WARNING: this chapter is not edited. Beware of possible bad gramma and spelling mistakes.


She smiled. At me.

It was sensational. It took me a while to respond and smile back, but when I did the girl smiled more and blushed. She looked away from me, red still in tong her cheeks, and takes a sip of her coffee. I could tell she was trying not to smile but couldn't help it.

The nails never dropped her face for the rest of the evening.


Today is the day, I tell the girl my name. I'm going to go over there and speak to her in person, I tell myself.

I expected the strawberry blonde haired girl to come in smiling, but instead, I get the exact opposite. She storms into the small coffee shop and slams the door behind her. Instead of wearing jeans and a sweater, like she usually is, she is wearing a ball pencil skirt, a red blouse and black blazer. She looks absolutely livid.

The girl storms past the counter where I am and sits down at her usual table. There is an old man sitting at a table close to her's and he is staring at her with a shocked expression on his face. I don't blame him either. I'd be shocked to see such a small, inocent girl looking so mad. She looks up and if looks could kill the old man would be six feet under. He gasps and moves to a table at the opposite side of the room. I gulp. I guess I won't be talking to her today.

I look around for Jade when my phone vibrates from inside my apron. I take it out and see a message from Jade.

Jade: I'm running late. Cover for me plz.

I internally groan. Who the hell was supposed to serve the angry red head now? Guess I'm going to have to.

Not wanting to go over and get my head bitten off, I make her order of waffles and black coffee, and hope that today isn't the day she finally descides to change her order.

Slowly and causally, I make my way over to her and put the tray on her table. She doesn't look up from her laptop and continues to stare at her laptop furiously but doesn't touch the keyboard once. I take this time to write a note and leave it on her tray.

It said:

Don't worry, be happy. Or in your case; Don't blow up, smile ;)

Please write your name here and return to your handsome waiter:

P.S. I'm Park

I smile from behind the counter, as I see her nose wrinkle in confusion as he reads the note. Cute.

She looks up at me with a furious expression still on her face. My eyes widen and I cross my fingers behind my back. But luckily for me, her stone cold face softens and a full on grin appears on her heart shaped lips. Mission complete.

What seems like hours later but in reality, was only a couple of minuets, the girl comes over to the counter. She looks around the place as if she is trying to find someone.

I clear my throat. "May I help you, fair maiden?" Cheesy, I know. But seriously, what would you do if you had to say something to an extremely beautiful girl. Okay, propably something a lot smarter than that.

I can tell she is finding it very had not to laugh as she says the next words. "Sorry, but I'm looking for a very handsom waiter, but I can't seem to see him anywhere." She waves the note up in the air.

"He's right in front of you." I smirk.

She fakes confusion. "Really? Where? Your the only person in front of me."

Ouch. My ego, dignity and manhood just flew out the window. "Exactly. I'm in front of you."

"Oh! The handsome waiter is you?"

I give the girl a pointed look. "Who else?" She giggles before handing me the note and walking back to her table.

She had written; Zoe.

I nearly shrieked like a fangirl but managed to control myself. When I finally looked up, Zoe was already at her table typing on her laptop, a content smile resting on her lips.

I hear the sounds of bells and look in the direction of the door to see Jade coming in. "Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late, Park! My stupid car broke down! Please forgove me!"

I chuckle at the flustered girl informer of me. "Of course I forgive you, Jade."

Jade replaces and walks over to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, your the best." She looks around the shop before continuing, "It's rather empty here, I think I can manage. Go home."

"Are you sure?" I loved my job and wouldn't mind staying. Jade nods her head quickly and I smile widely at her, saying thankyou.

Once I had my coat on, I look over to the girl I now know as Zoe. Should I leave her my number? I shake my head and my hand is inches away from the door handle. Oh, screw it! I turn forty five digress and pace towards Zoe. I take a pen out of my coat pocket and write on a napkin at her table, as my notepad is already behind the counter.

"Look, here's my number. Just in case, you know, need me." I smile down at her, "Or even if you just want my company!" I add quickly.

She giggles and nods her head, "Will do, Park."

I sigh happily and after saying a goodbye open the coffee shops door and walk out.
I love Park, he's so cute.

The Coffee Shop | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz