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It's been a few days since he got that text from Yongguk. He was starting to think he imagined the whole day but when he looked down at his body and saw the bruises he knew it wasn't his imagination. Sighing he put his top back down. Luckily for him everyone already left for the changing room so it was only him in the dance room.

"Hoseok?" A familiar voice called out when they entered the dance room. Hoseok stiffened and didn't say anything as he kept his eyes on the mirror in front of him.

"Won't you even look at me Hobi?"

"I am looking at you aren't you?"

"Hoseok...I'm sorry...I..."

"Jungkook." Hoseok said softly as he turned around to look at him properly "it's okay..."

"It's not okay! I-I never wanted to hurt you hyung...I'm sorry." Jungkook squeaked as he stared at Hoseok "I..."

"Jungkook. I said it's okay...it was p-probably just brotherly l-love or something." Hoseok mumbled quietly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut to prevent tears from spilling. The sad fact was that he knew Hoseok was right. It was just brotherly love that they had for each other but it still hurt for the both of them to come to the conclusion of breaking up.

"Just brotherly love..." Jungkook repeated softly "in that case...I'll..I'll always love you hyung..."

"In that case...I'll always love you too..." Hoseok said softly "I hope you're happy with Yoongi."

"As much as I hate him...I hope you're happy with Taehyung and if he does anything and I mean anything to upset you tell me...I'll always be there for you and ready to kick his ass." Jungkook smiled softly and Hoseok mirroring it with a chuckle "thank you Kookie...I'll always be there for you too. Ah I need to change before my next class I-I'll see you around?"

"See you around." Jungkook nodded with a smile as he let the elder pass. He was happy that he finally sorted this out.


Hoseok was all fresh, changed and sat in his seat for his next lesson which was biology. He was going through the notes from last lesson when his phone vibrated on the table. Expecting it to be Taehyung he checked his phone. Sadly it wasn't.

Yongguk: hey faggot I need a favour meet me outside the cafe in 5 minutes.

Hoseok: My class is about to start...I might be a bit late sorry...

He felt his phone buzz again but the teacher started the class so Hoseok put his phone away and focused on the lesson as he took notes. He actually liked learning about biology because it helped him with dance in a way. He wanted to be a dance choreographer or teacher and biology teaches you about the body. So it was extremely useful for him.

Once the lesson ended he packed his things, as soon as took a step out of the classroom a hand covered his mouth and started dragging him away. Hoseok was surprised and started kicking his legs to try and stop the person but that only got him a massive slap across the face from someone he couldn't even see. Hoseok looked at the people passing by and begged for help with his eyes but they either thought he was playing around or to scared to do something.

He felt someone tie his hands together before they literally threw him into a car. Hoseok was struggling to sit up with his hands tied but at least his mouth was free "w-who are you guys? Where are you taking me?" Hoseok squeaked out. To answer his question someone grabbed him by the hair and tilted his head back. It was Jongup one of Yongguk's friends "we're going to see Yongguk." Hoseok gulped "fyi...bad idea to leave him waiting for a hour and a 50 minutes." Jongup let his hair go making Hoseok's head it the car seat "now you got to pay the consequences." Hoseok hated the sound of that.

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