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Chapter Six

Lilly was less than two feet from me. "Why didn't you tell me it was you?"

Speechless I just stared at her.

"Why didn't you say you were the girl who broke Gregory's heart?"

Say something. "I-I couldn't." I blinked slightly and then looked away from her scornful glare into the golden-colored terrain all around me. "How did you know?"

"Like it was hard to put the pieces together, especially after the way he watches you and then with what Kylie has just said." Something in her voice changed, it was a bit softer and more hesitant when she spoke next. "You still love him, don't you?"

My head whipped around to meet her eyes, before I bleakly lowered mine and mumbled, "I—ah, yes. I do. But please don't say anything."

"I wouldn't dream of it. Talk about awkward." Her attempt at a joke brought my eyes up to hers again, but nothing more. She tried another tactic. "Besides, by the looks of things it's not likely you two will ever be together again, anyway."

On the way back to the picnic table I must've stepped on a dead branch wrong, because I had fallen down before I even knew what had happened to me.

"Amanda, are you all right?"

Lilly's concerned face caused me to giggle more than anything.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think."

With Lilly's help I was able to stand and brush most of the stubborn grime from me. I'd forgotten how sticky the clay soil was. I had a slight yellowish terracotta film over most of my jeans and a good chunk of my light blue T-shirt when we arrived back at the Land Rover. To make matters worse; I think I wrenched my ankle a bit when I fell. It didn't sting or swell or anything, but it was a little sore. I made sure not to limp when I approached the group. Madison was the first one to notice my appearance.

"Amanda. What happened? Are you okay?"

I laughed along with everybody when the rest of the group turned to see me and couldn't contain their amusement. I'm so glad there's not a mirror. I would hate to see what I really look like.

Ethan mischievously grinned when he pointed to the left side of my face and asked, "Didn't get enough to eat, Amanda? You had to try out some dirt too?"

Everyone burst into more laughter.

I wiped my hand along my cheek and brushed off good section of dust. "I'm awfully thirsty from tasting all that dirt. Has anyone seen my water bottle?"

"Here, Amanda, you can use mine." Kylie chucked her unopened bottle right at me. I was so unprepared for it; the bottle would have hit me had Gregory's arm not flown in front of my face at the last second and caught it.

"Here," his baritone above my head sent a slight shiver down my spine.

"Thanks." I half smiled and blinked at his shirt, before glancing down at my own dirty clothes.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah." I tried again to look up at him, but found it was impossible.

"Did you get hurt when you fell?"

"Hurt?" Surprised my eyes finally found his. Their steady regard stabilized mine while my heart—on the other hand—began to flutter uncontrollably.

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