Chapter 19

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I woke the next morning startled that we had all fallen asleep. I quickly took off the glasses that were obscuring my vision and put them in the bag. I let everyone else sleep for a while as I pondered on our next moves. It was 7 simple kids standing against 6 careers that I bet were atleast 16 or 17, our chances were dramatically low but not impossible.

We have a little bit of food remaining and we would need to go out and search for more really soon. Our water supplies were used up but I knew where water was but it was atleast a little over an hour walk to get to it. We had a few challenges but with the right skills we could over come them. I needed to find out our groups strengths and weaknesses and use them to our advantage. I woke the others and just like myself they quickly put away the glasses.

"I know this may sound awkward but we need to get to know one another. I want your name, district and what skill or skills you may posses that would benefit the group. Also if you want you can throw a little extra out there about yourself. " I decided in order to gain their trust I would go first. "I'm Aloe from District 12. I'm good at hunting, cooking and telling apart some edible plants." I cleared my throat. "I watched my brother die almost three days ago"

Lia went next. It wasn't a shocker to me when she said she didn't have any skills. Maybe I could teach her to cook. She told everyone she was from District 12 and then perceeded to announce that she would be dead if it wasn't for me stepping forward to volunteer as tribute.

After Lia was finished Blaze went next. He was from District 2. His skill was starting fires and he admitted he got into trouble alot from it. He then explained that his two older siblings had died in the games so it was only a matter of time.

After him was the female Oreale from 9 who's skills were telling the time from the sun and identifying plants. She admitted that she stepped up for her sister who was originally pulled to come into the games.

The other three were a male from District 6 who was good with navigation. A female from 11 who was was a skilled healer and also was experienced with finding herbs and plants that had medical purposes. The final was a male from 7 who was a large huskey fellow who worked with trees and building cabins.

After my crew assesment I found it best to go out in groups. Those that were useful for that task that needed to be taken care of would go with us. First off we need supplies. Wood wouldn't be needed since we wouldn't be risking fires. I decided to take the girls from 11 and 9 and the male from 6. After that was settled we were on our way. I had my bow at the ready with the male from 6 who was a fair shot with knife throwing. We covered the girls from 11 and 9 as they gathered edibles and plants that could be used for medicinal purposes. After an hour of finding supplies we headed back with the guidence of 6.

One by one we made it back to the hole and slipped in. The moment I sat down I brought my hand to my head. We forgot water and without it all of us would become dehydrated and grow weak. We needed water as much as we needed air. My crew saw the stress on my face and knew something was wrong.

"What is it?" Blaze spoke up.

"Water... we need water."

Oreale came up with the idea that we could go during the night time. We were the only ones that had night vision glasses - or atleast that is what we gathered from the surprise from last night. She thought it would be good to head back to the river and refill our canteens. After the agreement we put together a crew who would go along on the trip. Blaze, the girl from 11, myself the male from 7. That left the two girls and the male from 6 alone. They would be safe if they kept a few weapons on hand. Still then their chances of being found were slim in the dark.

We threw together some fruits for lunch and while we ate we discussed a few scenarios. Blaze came up with the idea of leaving a trail of sunburst leaves, they were easy to ignite. If we were being chased Blaze could easily ignite them and create a barrier between us that would give us some time to get away.

After many props given for his idea of defence he admitted to us that Blaze was a nickname he was given because of his nack of setting fires. Just like his brother who was named Phoenix from his childhood because he got terribly sick alot and came so close to death on several occasions and then miraculously came back. Ember was given hers because her face flushed red like embers when she was angry, sad, happy or embarressed.

After the sun disappeared and the darkness fell my crew put on their glasses and we silently slipped from the cave. The moment we exited and were vulnerable we froze. We were surrounded.

The Hunger Games - Through the Fire and Flames - Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن