Chapter 20 - "It's a long story."

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Amelia leaned against the railing, looking down as crew men on stage worked swiftly. Bodies were packed on the bottom floor, phone screens dotting the room with bright blue lights. The smell of alcohol wafted through the building.


She turned and found Sebastian moving towards her, wearing a suit. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise.   She tried to put together the image of Sebastian in front of her with the one of him from 24 hours ago at her apartment.

"Hey," she said, still shocked at his appearance.

He smiled at her, a full smile.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked.

"I played for Eagle Town," Amelia said, pointing at the stage. "How did you know it was me?"

"Your satchel," Sebastian said, simply.

Amelia instinctively glanced down at it and back at him.

"You actually played with Eagle Town?" Sebastian asked.

"Something happened with their drummer so I got a call this morning. Why are you here? I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty surprised."

"It's a long story," Sebastian started to say.

The lights dimmed and the noise in the building grew to a cringing roar.   

"I'll tell you during the next set change," Sebastian said, louder.

Amelia nodded and turned back to the stage as Reynolds walked on. Amelia's hands followed the beat through each song, tracking the build. Reynolds put on a good show. The audience shouted and cheered their gratitude as he finished his last song and waved goodbye.

The house lights went up and Amelia faced Sebastian. The VIP section had grown in number and more excited girl voices filled the space.

"Do you usually watch all the concerts you perform for?" Sebastian asked.

"Not often, unless I like someone in the line up. I'm only here right now because I have the misfortune of knowing that main singer," Amelia said, pointing back towards the stage.

"Interesting choice of words."

"If you knew him, you would not think that. So what's your long story?"

Sebastian looked around the enclosed section briefly, before nodding at someone. Amelia looked to see who he was motioning to.

"Here comes the reason for my long story now," Sebastian said.

A tall, dark skinned guy moved out of the mass of people. He had a smile that made you think he had known you for years. He wore a pair of black slacks and a navy button down shirt with the sleeves rolled, all with the air that clothes had been designed with him in mind. Amelia paused, something familiar about him.

"Amelia, this is Danny DaSilva," Sebastian said. "Danny, Amelia Dawson."

Danny's smile was as warm as a summer day. Recognition dawned on her.

"So you're the guy every women in the world is in love with?" Amelia said.   

"Is that the reputation you heard? Good to know my press agent has been making good on his promise,"     Danny said.

His voice was melodious and spoke of languages known and places travelled.   

"I knew you paid someone off for that reputation," Sebastian said.

Danny's shrug was so casual it could have been a laugh.

"They don't happen by doing nothing. If you left your apartment once in awhile you would know that," Danny smirked.

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