20 • Everybody Leaves Someday

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    Eva was doodling again

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    Eva was doodling again.

    The session being held did very little to capture her interest, but then again, no lesson had ever mattered all that much to Eva. The voice of the teacher just seemed to float in and out her ears every day; like a familiar buzz in the background that she could disregard effortlessly.

    "Miss Carter," Walburga Vandenhoff, Eva's history teacher, called out mid lecture.

    "Monroe," Eva corrected on reflex, the heavy disdain obvious in her tone.

    "What?" Miss Vandenhoff asked sharply.

    Eva was all set for retorting but when she felt several pairs of eyes on her, she faltered. There was a nauseating feeling kicking in and chipping away at her rigid posture. Succumbing to the scrutiny of too many eyes and unwanted attention, her shoulders slumped and she allowed her hair to fall around her like a protective curtain.

    "I-um, m-my last name— i-it's Monroe. Monroe, not Hunt," she managed to get out in a quiet voice laden with self-doubt and uncertainty. She just wished everyone would look away.

    Why couldn't they just look the other way? She all but yelled in her head.

    "Would you care to enlighten the class about the topic we're on?" Miss Vandenhoff went on, deliberately ignoring Eva's words.

    Too many eyes were on Eva, just too many. She could feel something simmering inside her and there was that feeling again... like she was a fish struggling violently on dry land, gasping for water; to be able to breathe again. She just wanted to crawl back into her bubble of safety and feel whatever shred of security she had left that Logan hadn't stripped away.

    Swallowing silently, she let her eyelids fall a little lower and bent her head downwards, shrinking into herself as she muttered out a weak "no."

    "Just what I thought," Miss Vandenhoff scoffed, a trace of smugness lining her expression. "Maybe next time there'll be less of the doodling and more of you paying attention?"

    Eva nodded timidly in response, not meeting the teacher's eyes. "Honestly, why they even allow good-for-nothing students in here I have no clue..." Maybe Eva wasn't supposed to hear that; but she did. And apparently the rest of the class did too as Miss Vandenhoff mumbled to herself before continuing with whatever she'd been teaching.

    She felt a light tap on her shoulder and when she turned to whom the hand belonged to, her eyes met with simple but kind green ones. "I'm sure she didn't mean that," the girl said in what she must have believed to be a reassuring tone.

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