A Dream or Reality

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Chapter 27

                I couldn’t move. I was frozen where I stood. It was as if I had been rooted to the floor. I was paralyzed, consumed by the overwhelming fear that was flooding my body. It was cascading through my bloodstream like a tsunami, as it did so crushing every last ounce of hope I had left in my body.

                He was coming for me.

                That was all it took. All that needed to be said to leave me fearing my life. He was going to kill me. My father would take me back. He would not stop until he saw me suffer. I had directly disobeyed him. I had undermined him and his authority. His own flesh and blood. He would not tire or stop until the deed was done.

                He would let the whole rogue pack die just to get me back. Just so he could torture and hurt me until I was begging for mercy. Begging for my death at his hands. I was the daughter he never wanted. Just the thing that came from the mate bond he never cared for. I ruined his plans. He never wanted me. He always thought I was against him. I guess I proved him right.

                I could imagine it now. I could imagine that pain and hurt he would inflict me. If he got me, he would make me suffer until the moment I lost my life. I thought of the rooms. I thought of the screams I had heard of others. That would be me, if my father got me back.

                Everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I wasn’t paying attention. I was frozen in this paralyzed state. Everyone seemed to be moving around me. The crowd I had vaguely heard growl at the rogue’s threat. More so at the direct threat towards me.

                “Kill him!” I heard Xander shout but I didn’t turn to look in his direction. I stayed still. I just couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I was trapped in my own body, in my own mind. Not even Anna was connecting to me right now.

                I saw him turn to face me. He stood directly in front of me but I couldn’t focus on any of his features. His face was contorted in between anger and worry. His eyes I noticed were flickering black and hazel. I felt his hands on my upper arms.

                “Jen. Jen. Look at me. Everything is going to be fine. I promise you. You will be safe. I won’t let him get you. Jen please,” He pleaded, as he moved his hands up to my face cupping them delicately, “Jen. Jen. I promise I won’t let him get to you.”

                I found somewhere my voice. It was weak and hoarse and full of all the terror. I uttered four words.

                “He will kill me,” I uttered, my voice barely a whisper.

                That was it. I collapsed. Xander caught me swiftly and picked me. I was distant. I was in my body but I felt like I was so far away. I felt like I was cut off. My head was pressed against his chest.

                “I need preparation for war to go into full mode. I need a report from the person we sent to the werewolf council. The threat is imminent. We must expect an attack within in the next two days. He won’t wait any longer. Women and children need to remain in the pack house at all times. The medical bay needs to be prepped ready for casualties at any moment. We will have a war meeting in ten minutes. Patrols need to be doubled. Any sign of attack needs to be informed right away. Right now, I need a doctor to examine Jen,” Xander ordered.

                “What has happened to her?” I heard Michael ask.

                “I am not sure. I think she has gone into shock. She is barely responsive. I think her mind has shut her body down to protect her. This is what that monster has done to her. He has scarred her to the point that she has shut down. Her body has shut down. I will kill that son of bitch if it is the last thing I do,” Xander spat.

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