Chapter Eighteen

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"Merry Christmas!"

            I paused at the threshold of my door, in my rubber ducky pajamas, my hair a mess and a sleepy expression on my face. It took me a moment to register the four people standing on my steps, their cheeks a rosy red, their breath coming out in little puffs of moisture in the chilly December air. My vision, as it'd been the past few weeks, was incredibly blurry, making it difficult to distinguish who the people in front of me were. That and my mind was running slow. Concentrating solely on their faces, I managed to clear my vision a little so I could make them out completely. As names came to faces, I scrunched my forehead together. "What are you all doing here...?"

            Chace bounded forward, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "We're coming to celebrate Christmas!"

            "So this is what teenagers that drop out of school look like," Paul commented thoughtfully, taking in my bedhead and pajamas. "Classy."

            It was difficult in my sleepy state, but I managed to pull together a scowl. "Shut up, I didn't drop out."

            "Yeah," Katie defended, stomping her boyfriend on his foot. "Be more considerate. Not many people know she's going blind, and you're lucky to be one of the few."

            "Right, sorry," Paul mumbled, but a slight smile was at his lips. "The good news is that when you go blind, you'll have your new—"

            "Paul!" Kate interjected with a hiss, now elbowing him in the side. "Shut up!"

            "You are so abusive!"

            Ignoring the bickering pair, my eyes turned to the only silent member of the group, Noah. To me, he seemed a little oddly placed. "Noah?"

            Grinning, he waved. "Hey! Merry Christmas! I brought you a gift!"

            "Oh, thanks, I have one for you too actually," I responded, silently thanking the heavens I'd randomly decided to pick something up for him.

            He seemed surprised. "Really? Awesome!"

            "So are you gonna make us stand out in the cold all day? Or will you let us in?" Chace demanded, dramatically beginning to shiver. "It's f-f-freezing out here!"

            "Yeah, come on in." Opening the door wider, I gesticulated for the small posse to enter my home. "Take your shoes off though. My dad just cleaned."

            Gazing around, Katie frowned. "Where is your dad?"

            "He went up to my Grandpa's with my mom," I responded, watching as Noah kicked his shoes off violently, sending one flying into the back of Chace's leg.

            Chace turned around and smacked his friend, muttering something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like a male reproductive organ.

            "How come you didn't go?" Paul asked. "It's Christmas. You shouldn't be alone."

            "Ah, late night last night..."

            Chace caught my gaze and smirked. I blushed, immediately directing my eyes away from him and to Kate. She gave me a suspicious look. "Why? What were you doing?" she inquired innocently.

            "You know, date night," I explained vaguely. "Never mind that. Should I make some hot chocolate?"

            "Here, open my present first!" Noah said excitedly, tossing me a small, wrapped box. "I thought long and hard about it."

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