22. The One With The Mask Off

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(Recap: "And if we don't do this then I'm telling you thals, their army is going to be so damn huge that even if we attack them together and destroy a major chunk of their army, it'll not even be like a clink in an armour. They'll just keep coming. By then we'll have lost the element of surprise, the campers will have known Reyna is injured. Kronos will rub it off on their faces, and they'll lose their morales, making them easy targets. Game over then and there, and End won't even have to step in."
"Well, when you put it they way, I guess we don't have much of a choice." Annabeth gulped nervously.)

Just then I heard the familiar buzz of my walkie talkie.

"This is Commander Stormbringer, go for Commander Stormbringer. Over." I said in the audio piece.

"Commander. The war on your current mission Planet Earth has begun. Reports from our soldiers there say things are looking pretty gloomy. The enemy have a huge army and outnumber our side at least four against one. They won't be able to hold off much longer. Over."

"Okay. Don't tell them anything about me yet. They'll know when they see me. Tell Lord Chaos we've left for the fight in case he comes looking for us. Over and out."

"Yes sir. Good luck. Over and out."

I breathed in deeply and said "It's time. Let's go."

They nodded. Skylar grabbed Annabeth's hand and I grabbed Thalia's hand and we teleported us to a place I knew in the forest from we could see the war and yet not be seen by anyone. Once safely teleported, we started assessing the situation. That soldier over tha walkie talkie wasn't exaggerating. Things were indeed looking pretty gloomy.

"Okay. We don't have much time. That corner right there. That's where most of them are. We need the whole area gone. Chose one corner as your own and get going. Nobody touches that part. I'll go for Kronos."
To others our plan wouldn't have made much sense since I'd just told them we wanted an area gone and then I'd told them none of us would be attacking that part, liki I said. That was for those who didn't know our plan. We did, so we were going to execute it.
I waited for my cue, I was to go last. Skylar stayed with me since even she could teleport to her side as soon as the time came. Annabeth went to her corner sneakily and so did thalia. Once they were there, Annabeth started her role.

She came out of nowhere and started attacking the monsters with all she had. I'd given her a few vials of greek fire and some more such weapons. The result was, by the time the monsters realized Annabeth Chase had returned and was slaying them, they were all gone. The campers cheered loudly at the return of their leader. Meanwhile Kronos watched dumbstruck as a chunk of his army was taken down in a matter of seconds by one demigod.

"Ha! So you're the only survivor! Otherwise you'd all have been attacking together!" Kronos said confidently. The campers started looking at Annabeth in shock thinking the same thing Kronos was. Even my army saw some sense in it and were starting to look worried. That was my plan all along though, so everything was good.

"They haven't got anyone left now! Finish them!" Kronos bellowed. roar The minotaur, probably signalling an attack started to roar. Just then, out of somewhere, an arrow came flying at him. He grumbled in pain, but took out that arrow and started growling at the direction of the attack furiously. To his surprise though, not one person in there had a bow. The sons of Apollo and the Hunters of Artemis were far away from there busy in their own battle. Just then, there was a blur of arrows and the impact rattled the minotaur's ground. The fight all around had come to a halt now. Annabeth's surprise attack had halted most of it, but these arrows stopped the remaining ones. Just then, Thalia sprung from the direction of the attack and started firing arrows at blinding speeds. I'd given her a lot of different arrows. Flaming ones, water ones, supersonice ones you name it. As a result, she killed the minotaur and did exactly what Annabeth had done. Take out a huge chunk of the enemy's army. Kronos could only watch with rage the damage his army was suddenly incurring.
"Don't worry demigods. Kronos lies. It isn't true that we haven't got anybody, in fact we have got everybody! And thanks to that amulet, your brothers won't be reforming anytime soon." She smirked. Kronos realized that to
his horror our quest was a success. We'd defeated that creature.

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