Chapter 2: Stubborn Men

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Of course it took a lot of time, effort, and training before I was able to fully tame my beastly urges. In fact, it felt like it took me forever because I kind of failed at being a werewolf in the beginning.

It didn’t exactly happen overnight, but I did eventually get better at dealing with all the new senses and responsibilities being a werewolf comes with. It all started on the night of the second full moon I saw after my initial transformation.

What was so special about this day? I met someone, and no I didn’t meet some love of my life or any mushy stuff like that. I met a kid who I still swear to this day doesn’t understand the meaning of no. Though you might understand it better if I explain both what was happening before I met him as well as what he did for me before I tell you more about my life right now.

I got lucky that first night I transformed, it was the last day of the full moon, so I was able to recover and collect myself the following nights as I dreaded the ever approaching full moon. I did figure a couple things out that night though. If I wasn’t directly in the moon’s light, or staring at the moon, I didn’t feel the presence of the beast as much but I barely noticed because I was overwhelmed with the feelings of all the new sights, smells, and abilities I had. For the first time in my life I was truly running free and I was loving every minute of it. I also realized that because of this overwhelming sense of new things it was easy to lose myself in them. At one point I had traveled miles and I couldn’t remember how I got there. Of course this meant that the rest of my night was spent trying to backtrack to where I started. I was also approached by the resident clan of werewolves on that night as I tried to make my way back to my campsite. My fist meeting with them after my transformation will never leave my memory.

The wolf within me picked up the clues long before the human side of me realized what was going on. There were other werewolves in the area and they were close. In fact they were getting closer with every second almost as if they were stalking me, but every time I turned to face them, I would only see fleeting shadows or the afterimage of eyes. Soon I begin to recognize the trees and the smells and know that I am getting close to my campsite. The smell of wolf is all around me and the beast within me is becoming more agitated by it. I growl as I spin around once more…again to fleeting shadows. I continue to growl as I turn back around to continue on, but it gets caught in my throat from surprise.

Before me on a boulder is a large male werewolf. He smiles at me as he says with a slight growl in his voice, “It is good to see that the transformation has not killed you.” I try to speak but it comes out all garbled and somewhere between a growl and English. In fact it comes out so unintelligible I don’t even know what I said. He continues to smile as he says, “Take a deep breath, slow down and just use the new language you have been given. Trying to use the language of man right now will only end in frustration. With time and training you will be able to speak it again. Now try it again and let your words flow through you rather than forcing them out like a monkey. I growl in response and he says, “Good start now use it to express more than your anger. I promise I was not meaning to insult you. It is your first night of freedom, it should be enjoyed and celebrated as most bitten die before ever feeling what you are now.” I take a deep breath and try to do as he said and let the words flow through me, but it is still a little garbled as I let out a mix of barks growls and howls which end up translating to, “Why droo you kreep saying thart many die from this. Are you referrrring to how my friend was killed by one of youuuu before he could ever make the change?” He replies, “Impressive…actually better spoken than most after their first change. I know this is all new to you, but you are actually doing quite well for your fist night.” I growl, “Youu neverrrr answered my question.” He replies, “You are right, and I apologize for that. There is so much you do not know, and I cannot possibly explain it all in one night. But out of courtesy for you I shall answer your question…then I will give you an offer. After that offer I will expect a response before I answer any more questions…understand?” I nod rather than try to speak, but my entire body is yearning to do more and standing still feels like torture when it knows it can do so much more. He replies, “Good. Now to answer your question. It is not the attack that is the dangerous part…sure it does kill many humans, but they are not of my concern. What I was referring to was those that were bitten and live only to die during their first transformation. It is the first transformation of a werewolf that is the most dangerous. If you survive it then you are one of the lucky few who are able to live on and enjoy the benefits of being one of us. Benefits that I will gladly help you to take full advantage of if you join me and my pack that lives in these woods.” I reply, “I take it that was your offerrr.”

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