Could this be love?

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I have known him for years,
Saw him on several occasions
At assemblies,kingdom hall construction,and at sign language class.He added me on Facebook, we never chatted,also knew some other members of his family. He was just some unimportant somebody (a wallflower)I never talked to him,I never crushed on him,I never knew we would be friends.One time I almost bought an huwei phone from him,so I got his number from a friend and I called him,can still remember what he said in his husky ondo intonation:"its an huwei phone y**** model,its working perfectly fine,just that you change the touchpad"(in my mind I said"see am,business man)I ended the call and decided not to buy the phone.(Fast forward to sometime in october 2016)He messaged me on Facebook, asking for my congregation name,i told him,the next thing I knew,I received a message on WhatsApp from an unknown number,he immediately told me who he was(In my mind,I was like,"wetin him dey find sef")He was sha chatting nice.On that weekend we had our convention, so he said I should keep his rice for him o,"lol".I said:" okay",but how was he gonna get it?He said he would come on Saturday. Sincerely I thought he was joking,that morning I heard my phone ring while in the bus,he said he was at the auditorium already, unfortunately for me I got to convention ground late,they've started the program when I got there.So I had to wait till break time at 12 noon before I meet up with him.When it was break time ,I went to look for him and found him in one of the booths,we walked back together to my seat,he ate,we chatted,I was expecting him to leave when the break was over,well he didn't,(what is this guy finding sef)he sat with me till the end of the programme that day,I appreciated that act of kindness on his part(touched). At the end of that days program,it was time to say goodbyes,something caught me,"his smile".I thought it was just a smile,nothing more.But in my heart,I wished to see more of those smiles that gave me goose bumps. We continued chatting on whatsapp,he said he wanted a relationship.I told him to give me time,I told me Yes to the relationship. That was how it began..............
Could this be love
What I have been waiting for
For like a life time.
Times without number,I have been infatuated
Infatuated, thinking its love
I hope Love is what I feel right now
Now and forever,i pray it ll be

Could this be love?
Thoughts of you keep running thru my mind
No matter how hard I try to shut it out,
Spending even just a little time with you
Means a lot to me
I wake up with you on my mind
Drift to sleep while thinking about you.
You now occupy a large space in my heart
Its been just 11 days since I saw him last
And it feels as if I haven't seen him like forever
I miss him too much
And here he is standing right in front of me
16/02/2017 11:00am I felt like hugging him,yeah I know just a hug,nothing more.
18/02/2017 06:30am Was standing alone at ikola road,waiting for him on a cold,cold morning

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