Chapter 6

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"I hate to ask this," I began as she applied powders to my face and dark lines to my eyes. "But why did you hire me so quickly?" It seemed a bit...odd.

"Oh." The woman chuckled as she drew a line across my eyebrow to make it more defined. "I saw you and Derek walk past earlier. Figured if he was letting you be seen in public with him then you must be somewhat interesting."

"Oh? He doesn't bring other girls into public?" What exactly did she mean by public? It sounded pretty shady.

"I haven't seen a girl come out of his house before," Odette explained hurriedly. "Sorry. I tend to say one thing and mean another. It means that you're special, I suppose, since he never lets girls into his house."

Probably 'cause he wouldn't want a girl he liked to be around his devilish grandmother. "So that's the only reason?"

"Yes..." After saying it, her grin faltered and she caved. "And, honestly, you're the first person in a month who's applied. I don't really have any other options."

"Putting a 'Help Wanted' sign out might help."

"A what?"

"A help—." Did this world not have help wanted signs or was Odette just a ditz? Shrugging inwardly, I brushed it off. "Never mind. It doesn't matter now that I'm here."

"Right." With that, Odette stepped away from me and admired her work. "You can look in the mirror now."

The face that greeted me in the reflection was similar to mine but more toned with bigger eyes and brighter lips. I hated to admit it but I really did look prettier. Plus, the outfit I was wearing really complimented my body type. I loved it!

"So." The artist grinned shyly. "What do you think?"

As I ran a hand through my hair, which she'd spent twenty minutes curling, I couldn't help but allow my face to light up. "I love it."

This made Odette smile even more. "I'm glad. Now." She switched to a business-like attitude. "Time to teach you your job...I'm sure my customers will love you."


I'd read a lot of books in my time. Granted, a lot of them were comic books but still that was a lot of reading. But, even after all that, I'd have to say that this book was, without a doubt, the most boring one I had ever read.

"Are you ever going to put that dictionary down and start eating?" one of my three friends asked, pulling the book out of my hands and gesturing toward the full cafeteria plate before me.

Grimacing, I shoved the food toward him before snatching my reading material back. "I need to finish this in order to pass."

"Or you could stop being lame and come to Odette's with us," one of the other boys suggested. "James told us there's a new girl working there and she's quite--."

"I'm good," I muttered, leaning back in my chair and pretending to sleep just to show him how much I cared.

Unfortunately, the third boy figured out why I was acting this way and chuckled. "You and Odette broke up years ago. I don't get why you keep avoiding the place?"

"Plus, now that Jane's gone you can go wherever you want," the third one added, referring to my ex.

That bugged me. It had only been two days since the break up and he was already mentioning it? What was wrong with him?

Then I chuckled to myself. If only they knew about that small blonde hiding away in my house. That would give the school enough gossip to last a week. "Maybe after the test," I finally answered, making the boys breathe sighs of relief. They apparently liked bringing me along because it attracted girls.


"I got a job today," she informed me as I made the bed, using both sheets for one bunk this time so that neither of us would have to worry about the other being a blanket hog.

"Good." I didn't really care how she got the money, just so long as she brought it here. As soon as I'd told grandma about the rent she'd stopped complaining and hadn't been around since. I was so glad I took the chance and let this girl in here, even if I did need to sleep next to her. Sharing a bed was preferable to a beating.

At least she seemed nervous about sharing the bed. It was fun to watch her pace and fiddle with her necklace when she thought I wasn't looking. It kind of felt like having a small, annoying wife that you didn't care about in the more like a sister, I guess.

"Get in," I ordered, pressed one finger against the light switch. It didn't take her more than two seconds to dive in and claim the spot by the wall, which seemed a bit odd but I didn't care and just climbed in after her.

"Don't worry," I said, noticing how much she was shaking. "I won't do anything to you." My standards weren't that low.

"Okay. Good."

After staring at her back for a few funny seconds, I held out my hand to her, knowing she'd hate this next part. "Hand."


I smirked. "Give me your hand."

"Why?" Her eyes were wide with an unnatural fear. Did she not grow up with any brothers?

Sighing, I waved my hand around, refusing to stop until she gave in. "You would only stop screaming if I was touching you last night so I've decided that if we hold hands all night you won't have nightmares and I won't need to wake up every hour on the hour."

"Okay," she whispered and began to pull out her own hand before hesitating once more. "But won't our hands be numb when we wake up tomorrow."

I sighed, started to grow genuinely annoyed. "Just hold my hand so I can go to sleep!"

"Okay." All hesitation gone, she quickly wrapped her fingers around mind and turned away again, this time for good.

I couldn't help but notice how much her warm, small hands were shaking within mine. As I stared at our intertwined fingers, slowly lowering my head onto the pillow, a small laugh escaped my lips.

"What is it?" she asked, her words muffled by the pillow she had planted her face in.

"It's just cute, that's all," I said, holding up our hands before dropping them and closing my eyes. "Good night. Don't have nightmares."

"I'll try not to."

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