The Slytherin Dorms

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Harry gave a small nod to Dumbledore's painting as he entered the headmasters office, the painting nodded back. He then followed Hermione and Ron up the steps to the desk in the centre of the room. McGonagall looked at them fondly.

"We got your owl, Professor, you wanted to see us?" Hermione questioned. McGonagall nodded, gesturing for them to take a seat.

"I wish to ask you three if you'd mind staying in the Slytherin dormitories for this year?" McGonagall asked. The three looked at each other in surprise.

"What?" Ron questioned abruptly and rather unintelligently.

"Well, you see, plenty of Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws returned, however, not as many Slytherins came back this year. Therefore we have a lot of free space in the dungeons, so we thought to spread out the numbers." McGonagall explained. Harry guessed that they hadn't returned either because they were ashamed of their or their parents role in the Battle of Hogwarts. In the Great Hall, he'd noticed how deserted the Slytherin table had been. He hadn't looked at it too long, but long enough to see it'd at least lost half of it's students. It was rather sad really, having the other houses celebrating the new year, and the few Slytherins giving a few half-hearted, lonely cheers. Less first years had gone into the house also, because McGonagall had introduced a higher influence on the sorting hat, so that it simply recommended a house while the student chose. After the battle, Slytherin wasn't really everyone's favourite. Which wasn't really fair, seeing as it wasn't all of the Slytherins who were involved in the Death Eaters - although it was a fair majority who were.

"I have a feeling there's a further reason..." Hermione stated. McGonagall nodded.

"I'm worried about Mr Malfoy." She started.

"I think we all are, Professor. Sometimes I think, one day, he'll be so much of a git, that his being won't be able to handle it, and he'll explode with git-ness." Ron interrupted with smirk. Harry couldn't help but smile a little at his friends comment. McGonagall, however, gave him an unimpressed glare.

"Very amusing, Mr Weasley." McGonagall said in the least-amused sounding voice. "Mr Malfoy hasn't been back at school longer than a couple of hours, and already some students have created the game that they call 'Dark Lord touch'." She continued.

"Dark Lord touch? What on Earth is that?" Hermione asked. Harry, having had attended a muggle school before, could easily guess what the game vaguely involved.

"If a student makes any contact with Draco, they are considered 'infected' with the 'Dark Lord touch'. Apparently they have to pass it on by the time the sun sets, or their nose will fall off." McGonagall replied. Ron and Harry snorted with laughter. This, of course, merited another glare from McGonagall.

"I'm sorry Professor, but the... the nose falling off..." Harry apologised, trying, and failing, to suppress his laughter.

"Yes, we have some... rather creative students here at Hogwarts, wouldn't you say?" She let a small smile slip as she spoke. "Nonetheless, we don't tolerate bullying, under any circumstance. So, seeing as every other student refuses, I thought you three could share a dormitory with him." McGonagall concluded. Once more, the three looked at each other.

"There isn't a single student who wouldn't mind sharing a dormitory with him?" Hermione asked in disbelief. Harry was sure that wasn't the question on Ron's mind, because it sure wasn't the question on his. His questions went along the lines of 'Why doesn't he go home then?' or 'Why can't anyone else do it?'. Harry didn't like bragging over the Battle of Hogwarts, but it was them who killed Voldemort, so they should at least be able to choose where they sleep...

"I'm afraid not. The students who I understand were his friends, either didn't make it out of the battle, didn't return this year, or haven't forgiven him for the role he did play in the battle." McGonagall answered with a very solemn tone. Harry couldn't hold it back any longer.

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