Flash of Memory

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I knew I was going to die, that he would be the reason for my death, but I had to see him one more time. I needed to see his silver eyes one more time. To feel the touch of his skin. So I ran. Ran from my home, my family. The very family that would have me burned to a stake. 

I sprinted through the woods, holding up my skirts as I ran. Branches tugged at me, catching on my clothes and hair. Ripping it from the tie that held it from my face. I did not let this slow me. As soon as they realized I was gone they would come looking for me. I only had a short time to find him, to live. 

I had heard the priest talking to my father, whilst I hid behind the shed. He said that I had been seen with a daemon. A daemon that could conceal himself in the disguise of a man. And for that I must be a witch, dealing with the devil through the daemon.

I finally made it to the cabin in the woods. It was a place that felt more like home than anywhere I had ever been. I sprinted to the door and it opened before I reached it. There stood my Matthew. His perfect features were distorted with worry. His beautiful silver eyes showed his fear. I had never seen him like this before. He had always been so confident. It made my heart sink and my own fears build. 

“What’s happened?” He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me into the cabin, closing the door behind us. I wrapped my arms around him, savoring the feel of him. 

“They know. They know what you are and that we’re together.” I was still out of breath from my escape. “They came for me tonight. I heard the Priest telling father he was to hand me over. That I was to be burned for my sins.” I could feel the sobs coming on but I would not cry. The panic tightened my chest. I wanted to hide. To run away and pray everything would be fine. I just knew it wouldn’t be.

I watched as my words played through his head. It had only been a fortnight that I had even known that Matthew was not what he seemed. I did not care if he was not human, not mortal. He could not be the veil creature the Priest depicted him to be. How could this caring man that held me in his arms be the Daemon Abaddon?

“We must get you away from here. Its not safe.” His voice did not betray his worry, but his eyes did. I could tell that he was scared for me. That he was worried that he might not be able to protect me. I brought my lips to his. Trying to calm him down. 

“Than lets go now. They must know I’ve run by now, they’ll be looking for me and will come here first.” He nodded his head and dashed around the room grabbing things and stuffing them in a bag. It was simple supplies that would get us through till we found a place to hide. It was than that we heard the yelling of the men crashing through the woods. 

I looked out and could see the torch light flickering through the fog as they drew closer. My heart fell into my stomach. They were coming for me and they were so close. Before I knew what to do Matthew had me in his arms and was pushing me out the door towards the woods away from the coming crowed. 

“Run,” He said as he let me go. I didn’t needs telling twice. I ran as fast as I could. Hiking up my skirts so they didn’t get tangled in the under brush. The branches scrapped my legs and pulled my clothes. They had heard his yell and were running right behind us. I could hear their voices. 

My vision went white as a searing pain filled my chest, I fell to the ground, not even able to scream. The pain in my back and chest was the worst thing I had ever felt. I couldn’t breath, it felt like my lungs were filling up. The next thing I saw was Matthews face. The pain and fear in his eyes scared me more than the pain.

“No, this can’t happen. Stay with me.” He sounded so scared and angry. I knew that I was dying, I could feel it. I started coughing and tasted blood as it came up from my lungs. I had been shot. 

“Run, please run!” I tried to yell it to him but I ended up coughing up more blood. I didn’t want him to die too. I couldn’t stand it if I was the reason he was caught and killed. 

“I’m not going to leave you.” I could hear the voices getting closer. They were almost upon us. I tried to push him to get him to leave but an explosion in the woods made me freeze. There were flames everywhere and screaming voices. I didn’t know how it was possible but I knew he had killed them. That the priest had been right. That the man I loved was the deamon Abbadon, the deamon of destruction. 

I felt his lips on mine one last time. I didn’t care what he was. I still loved him. I tried to gasp for one last breath but it wouldn’t come. I just kept coughing up blood. The last thing I saw was his sad grey eyes filling with tears, and then there was nothing. 

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