Chapter 18- Drew's Arrogant Side and His Love Bite

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              “Lucas, can you please stop spinning me around and put me back down?” I mumble into his black t-shirt after he tackled me with a hug as soon as I arrived home. His arms tighten around me and he spins me around one more time before finally releasing me with a serious case of vertigo.

                “Where the hell have you been?” Adrian’s face comes into view with his permanent scowl intact. Nice to know he missed my presence.

                “Adrian, did you knock out my brother and if you did, why?” I stare analytically at Kohl’s sprawled out body on the floor with his face smooching the carpet.

                “I didn’t do it,” he answers as he kicks Kohl’s leg carelessly getting no response from my brother. The room suddenly goes silent as our attention turns to Drew, who’s been eerily quiet, more than usual if that’s possible.

                “Kim, you’re here, I thought you weren’t coming ‘til next week,” Lucas’s cheery voice feels so out of place right now as he hugs his cousin.

                “I told you I was coming in today, I even texted you to come get me, thanks to you I was lost at the airport,” Kim scolds as she hugs her cousin back.

                “So, what happened to my brother?” I ask to no one in particular.

                “Hey, maybe we should go help you unpack, yeah, let’s do that,” Sammy breaks the silence and Lucas’s not so inconspicuous whistling, as she drags Adrian behind her with Kim up the stairs and into the second floor. Drew remains in the room, I turn to him but his intense gaze traps me in place. His cobalt blue eyes seem to be blazing fiercely with something I can’t quite describe but if the clenching and unclenching of his fists is any sign, I’d say this bad boy was pissed off.

                “Did you hit my brother?” I point down at Kohl who is now beginning to groan incoherently as he regains his senses. Drew takes a step forwards without saying anything but there’s something about his stance that seems predatory like, I take a step back. I begin to fidget nervously under that intense gaze, I’m the petri dish under the microscope and he’s the scientist. Drew’s painfully slow steps finally reach my now disturbed frame. He says nothing as he clamps his hand down on my upper arm and drags me upstairs.  

                My eyes glance back at my brother’s body still lying on the floor. Does no one care about Kohl’s current state? My eyes continue to bulge out of my head as Drew throws the door to his room open before hauling me inside, I didn’t picture my first time inside his room to be like this. Not that I’d been fantasizing about being inside his room because that’s so not the issue. He leaves me standing in the corner after he closes the door. I look around nervously as he paces back and forth. Huh, his room seems a lot cleaner than I thought it’d be, his navy blue bed spread neatly draped on top of the bed. Everything is meticulously placed around the clean room. The only thing lying around carelessly is his backpack that’s been strewn to a far corner of the barely lit room.

                The only light provided in the room is the small glow coming from his desk lamp due to his navy curtains being drawn. I jump as I feel his hands grab my shoulders and he carelessly pushes me down onto the edge of his bed, where is this going? He better not be thinking anything out of the appropriate boundaries. I was thinking of all the possible scenarios as to why he possibly brought me into his room, perhaps he wanted to have a sleep over when my thoughts are jumbled by those familiar lips of his. Once again, I’m immobilized by this sinful creature. Thoughts run through my head as to why he possibly continues to do this, rationality flies out the window as his hand lands on my thigh, snapping me out of my reverie and forcing me into action. He pulls away a mere centimeter from my lips, his breath intermixing with mine and I draw out a shaky breath.

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