Chapter 44

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Natalia POV

I was hurt.

I was so hurt that he could even possibly think that I don't want him, that I don't want to be seen with him.

After I battled in my mind countless of times about the feelings I have for him after a couple of weeks working for him. Knowing that it was wrong because I was his personal assistant, and he was my boss.

After I would stay up nights tossing and turning because I was wondering what he was doing with Stacey, and calling myself stupid because I knew it was nothing to stressed over.

Finally, the way I accepted him in my life and Miya, I mean I moved in with the guy with only knowing him for only a few, and he still thinks I don't want him?

So, it hurts when I go through all that over him, and he doesn't see that. I know this is new to him, and I know that he's scared because he doesn't want to get hurt.

However, he is so stubborn, and prideful that it hurts his ego to admit that he's afraid. Which is fine, but it's not okay when he's taking his anger out on me because of his personal mixed feelings.

I would never use him, how could I ever? Especially the situation with Julian Miyas father. He used me, and he didn't have a care in the world for Miya and I and that was painful.

So why would I inflict that pain onto someone else?

I was doing some last touches to my outfit, looking in the mirror before we left. I was placing diamond earrings​ in my ears, with a matching necklace

I looked in the mirror satisfied with what I was wearing. I had settled on a lavender dress, that flowed just below my feet, the back was shown, and so were my shoulders and a little of my chest. However, it wasn't too inappropriate.

My hair was in big curls falling around my shoulders, and face. I had light purple eyeshadow, with eyeliner on the bottom and my wing on the top with mascara that made my brown eyes pop.

I took a shower in my bedroom, and was getting ready in my bathroom. Usually I'll be with Asher in his room, but obviously that's not going to work because we just got in an argument so...

Besides I wanted a break from him before we went to dinner with his family. I also stay in my room most of time anyway just because Asher works late nights so he's only here like 3 times a week.

However, when he is here I stay the night in his bed with him which were my favorite nights of the week anyway.

I looked myself over again in the bathroom smoothing my hands over my dress turning every direction to get good views from all sides.

When I turned to my right and looked on the upper corner of the mirror I saw Asher there leaning on the bathroom door, staring at me.

He we dress in a black suit, with a dressy white under shirt. He had a black bow tie clipped to his suit. His hair was slicked back with a few hair strands falling on either side of his eyes like always. And he looked painfully good like always.

I broke eye contact with him, and tried to look for something to put away, but nothing was left out because when I get ready I usually clean as I go.

Dang it Natalia you couldn't just be messy this one time? I thought to myself. So, I just looked down.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked quietly

"Not long"

I snapped my head up when I heard shuffling from his feet. He walked towards me and leaned on the sink beside me, putting his hands behind him while placing his palms on the counter.

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