Chapter Six

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31/08/12: This chapter has been edited.

Thanks to KillOrBeeKilled for the banner on the side! :D


“Georgie, is it true?”

            Resisting the urge to sigh, I turn around from my locker to be faced with the eager expression of Chloe, a sweet enough girl I sit next to in biology class. Instead of snapping at her and returning my attention to the pile of textbooks awaiting retrieval like I want to, I force on a small smile and pretend that this isn’t the fifth time I’ve been asked the same question this morning.

            “What do you mean?” I ask innocently, even though I know exactly what she’s talking about.

            Because, for some reason, the news that Connor’s back in town seems to be Franklin High’s juiciest gossip since the rumor that the guidance counselor was a part-time stripper (she wasn’t, but it turned out her sister could’ve used some guidance in her career choices). It’s spread like wildfire through our grade. Still, that’s not what bothers me – what’s getting tiring is the fact that almost everyone who remembers him assumes we’re still the best of buddies.

            That was third grade, people! Things are way different now.

             “I heard that Connor’s back in town,” she says, her expression doing nothing to mask her enthusiasm. “The one who left in third grade. I remember you guys were like, inseparable so I thought you might…”

            “Yeah, it’s true.”

            “It is?” Chloe’s face brightens. “I thought it might have been just a rumor but… wow, that’s so weird. Have you guys talked?”

            What is it with everyone expecting us to suddenly revert back to our friendship of eight years ago? I suppose things would be a bit simpler if Connor hadn’t suffered such a drastic personality change, but still. We’re juniors now. Let’s just say innocent fun playing in the sand pit has been replaced by things a little more adult.

            “Um…” How do I answer this? Am I supposed to admit what’s really going on here? In other words, do I really want to confess to my classmates that I’m now hated by the person I once adored? Maybe not. “Yeah,” I say eventually, holding back the grimace. “It was okay. I mean, we haven’t seen each other for so long, so it was kind of weird but… you know.”

            Well, I hope she knows, because I sure as hell don’t.

            “Is he starting today?”

            “Um, yeah.”

            Silently, I pray for a route of escape from this conversation. Believe it or not, but after the revelation upstairs during dinner on Saturday – and last night’s dream, for that matter – Connor isn’t exactly my favorite topic to converse about. However, it seems the God of Escape (or whoever my desperate plea was aimed at) doesn’t seem to be in the best of moods this morning, and is determined to dampen mine even more.

            And, before I can spot her and scuttle off to safety, The Devil herself is by my side.

            Known more commonly in our school as Charlotte Hayes.

            I could waste three hours describing who Charlotte actually is – or even make a video montage, Mean Girls style – but I don’t want to depress myself by dwelling on how dainty and pretty she is (albeit incredibly bitchy). That and it’s before eight on a Monday morning; I haven’t got the energy.

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