here's everything.

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So once again my quest for writing has come to an annoying halt. My fucking college is driving me crazy because instead of being "for the students" they are about "we'll care when we see our money". Therefore I owe $4,084 and they expected me to walk through the damn door with $2,000 in hand knowing my mom can only make $100 payment once a week and pretty much was very very rude. My stress levels have been extremely high that I've cried for two days, I don't eat, barely sleep unless I'm utterly exhausted, and I don't really feel like talking to anyone because to me it always seems nobody truly cares. Anyway I have come up with some book ideas that I'm gonna do whether or not you approve because well...they're my books.
1- I'm gonna make a book two of My Neko Brother and call it My Neko Family.
2- At some point Baby Boy will have a second book and it will be the sexual side of cg/l more known as DDlb. Don't have a name for that yet.
3- Any part two's or continuations you have asked for in Oh Brother will be done in my BxB book.
4- I know cat and mouse has lacked but it's not because I don't want to its because I want it to be different and I'm having to think hard.

Now my updates will be hella scrambled because literally my semester is packed. So just be on the lookout for any of my stories and please, if you love it, hate it, even if you had no feelings what so ever comment on my stories, vote for them because when I get asked and asked for an update and only have 8 votes it kinda lowers my already nonexistent self esteem so if your gonna hound me for an update I better be getting some more likes.

Love you guys. I really do.

my update bookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant