Chapter 7: Punched

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The air was thick as he waited in line to get a new milkshake while checking his watch every now and then. He had to go back to rehearsals after having that meeting with his dad's gang, but he couldn't just pass this chance of getting to talk with Crystal. She's literally near now, like right there on the middle table sitting at the couch while scrolling through her phone. All that he needed to do was tell her everything, remove even at least a bit of hate she may be having and remove the regret that had burdened him for a long while now.

"Here's your milkshake, sir."

"Thanks," he says and goes towards the table. His butt hadn't even touched the chair when she swiftly grabs hold of the drink and stood to make her way out the store. "Crystal, wait, please. Let's talk for a bit."

"There's nothing to talk about. It's clear as water to me."

"You don't understand. There's a bunch of things you didn't know. That I didn't want you to know." The girl just shook her head and continued walking. "I know I said I had cheated on you on such a scumbag level kind of reason, but believe me, that's not it at all—"

Crystal abruptly stops and turns to him, "Hold it right there." He stops in his tracks, relieved to have finally caught her attention to crack the topic. "Did you actually think I was stupid?"


"I've known, Johnny. Maybe even longer than you had discovered I'm a part of R.S."

"You knew..." he— no, his dad underestimated her. She's smart enough to be as talented as she is, no wonder it became obvious to her in an instant.

The girl sighs, waving her hand to the side, "There's no need for talk. You're a coward, I'm a coward, and that's that. We're just too incompatible and highly incompetent to even think that we'll see some kind of loophole. When you gave up first, it just sealed the deal, you know?"

"I'm...really sorry."

She nods, but her expression tells him that the apology isn't accepted, not one bit, "Yeah. You know what? Why don't you just let me punch you on the face?"

He glances around in surprise, "What, here?"

"Oh, so you're willing?" she smiles, seemingly excited to do so.

"B-But... we're in a public area."

The girl laughs, "You're still such a pushover, aren't you? Still an idiot after three years. I thought you'd grow a backbone along with reaching 6 feet in height."

Johnny accepted every word with a chuckle, either just for the joke or the fact of it all, "Still am." He sighs, a look of longing in his face, "I missed talking to you like this."

Crystal's laugh subsides, giving way to her real expression, which gives off a non-caring vibe, "Uhuh. I'm going to go now. Have fun with the theater."

"Oh right, the theater! That's great!" he suddenly shouts, making her look back at him. "There was an accident, two of the contestants are out of the list. So I've heard, before leaving rehearsal."

"... So you're a sadist now?" she lifts an eyebrow at him.

"No, I mean, you can re-audition again for the spot."

Crystal sips her milkshake before replying, "Nope."

"Why not? You were there in the auditions, Mr. Moon looked like he would've picked you—"

"Yeah, but I'm not exactly interested. If a spot really has opened, then I'll have to support my friend and pray to God that she's re-auditioning right now or else I'll have to shoot two a*ses when I get there."

He wondered if she meant that literally and who the two unlucky ones are, "Two?..."

"That damn rat, and Moon. If he doesn't let Meena get into the competition." Crystal was about to be on her way, "Oh wait," she looks back at him, "Come here in the alley so that I could punch you."

Johnny comes back to the theater with a black eye, making Miss Crawley gasp and come to comfort him, "Oh dear oh dear, what happened to you Johnny?"

He had a smile on his face, a huge one at that. It's like he's happy to have been given such a visible bruise. "Yup, totally fine, Miss Crawley. Shall we go back to piano lessons?"

"Oh my... Are you sure? Let me go get some ice for you first."

"Thank you very much." Johnny comes down from cloud 9 right before the iguana shuts the door, "Oh, and could you please ask Mr. Moon if he plans to take another singer into the show? I couldn't find him earlier, I didn't know if the slot has already been replaced with."

"Sure, Johnny. Just take a rest there and maybe practice for a little bit," she nods and closes the door.

He sighs in relief. How many sighs has he done today? That must be one of the most thrilling and terrifying experience he had in his life. Even more so than doing tons of risky things for the gang. If this slight gesture would widen his chance of getting her back to his life, then he had no regrets.

His hand reaches the spot where she had hit him, and boy did it sting like hell.

🅃🄰🄺🄸🄽🄶 🄲🄷🄰🄽🄲🄴🅂Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang