Chapter 16

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A lil boring but the end will leave you wanting for more.. Show ur luv guyz. Do vote and comment.

Sarah's POV

"Sarah, wake up. You are getting late for office. Sarah" I was hearing mum's faint voice and was constantly being shaken.

"Mammaa, its my off today" I whined and turned pulling the blanket up to my face. I had closed my alarm last night so that I could sleep peacefully for one day. I had prayed fajr and then went back to sleep.

"Oh.. Okayy" she said and I heard the door closed and I slept again.

I woke up and glanced at the clock.

"12 o'clock" my eyes widened and I hurriedly went to the bathroom to freshen myself. I took a shower and wore my minion pyjamas and a full sleeved t-shirt and went downstairs.

P.S. I love minions.

Baba was watching something on t.v and mamma was in the kitchen probably making lunch.

"Good morning Sarah" Baba said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and went to sit beside him and decided to play along, "Good morning baba" and he wrapped his arms around my shoulder smiling while his eyes were on tv.

"If its your off, it does not mean you sleep whole day Sarah" mamma said coming out of the kitchen with breakfast in her hands. Oh I love her.

I smiled sheepishly while taking the tray from her hands.

"You know Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said that too much food and too much sleep damages your brain" he advised looking at me to which I nodded.

"Baba, I want the remote" I said chewing the bread.

"No" was all he said.

"Babaaa, you have been watching it for long. Now its my turn" I whined.

"I have just opened the tv" he said in a tone as if being accused.

Then I smiled mischievously and lunched forward to snatch the remote from his hand but instantly he put his hands up far away from my reach.

"Guess I am your Dad" he said laughing.

And I sat back with a pout and crossed my arms above my chest.

"Fine fine. Take it. Who would say that you are doing a job" he said extending the remote towards me and I took it grinning and started flipping through the channels while eating. Mmmm.. I am hungry.

"Ismail, you go and get some sweets. After asr you wont get time as we will have to leave instantly" mamma said wiping her hands off a cloth.

"Where do you have to go?" I asked, my eyes on the tv.

"Umm.. To Yazan's house. H-" before she could say any further I cut her in between, "who's Yazan?" I asked still watching tv.

"The boy with whom y-your marriage..." she didnt say any further and all my appetite was long gone. So his name is Yazan. I stood up and carried the tray to the kitchen.

"Beta, eat the whole breakfast" baba called from behind me.

"I am full" I mumbled and came out of the kitchen just when the bell rang.

I put the stole around my head securely, making sure no strand is peeping and went to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door I was soon captured into a warm hug.

"Hana" I smiled.

"Assalamualaikum Sarah" she beamed at me.

"Walaikumassalam Hana. How come you are here? You didnt go to college? And how did you know that I was at home today?" I asked taking her inside.

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