{11} "The Day He Rejected Me"

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After I was sure my pack mates were all taken care of, inside and outside of the pack house, I made my way to the Alpha's Floor where the conference room was. I walked down the familiar hallways, scents I hadn't smelled in years flooding my nose. Reaching the correct door, I paused briefly hearing voices; all of them recognizable. Raising a fist I rapped my knuckles against the wooden door hearing how the conversation immediately dropped. The door was swung open by a fierce looking red head, one that I recognized immediately. The shit eating grin that spread across both of our faces was identical. She stood in sporting gear, hair lazily thrown up into a gun and the smell of sweat and dirt on her skin alerted me to her having been training.

"Clair," I greeted just as she spoke my name. "You've grown up." I teased, the tattoos littered her body, muscles coiled beneath her skin, she was a warrior through and through, the complete opposite of what she was in high school.

"The same could be said for you, Alpha." Her words teasing as she embraced me in a hug eagerly. "I'm still pissed you never called, but I understand why." Her tone turned bitter as she pulled away, shooting a glare behind her where I could only presume Ryker was. "Please come in." Opening the door wider she allowed me entrance, there I saw Ryker, his parents, a man I recognized as the old Beta's son, Bennet, as well as whom I vaguely believed to be the old Gamma's daughter, Victoria.

"Thank you for having us." I stated first and foremost, eyes meeting Ryker's. He didn't meet my gaze rather staring intently at the claiming mark on my neck. Nostrils flaring he jerked his chin and looked elsewhere, acting as a petulant child. "Now. I do believe before we can continue to work as adults together we should get some things cleared up." As I spoke I waked to a chair, languidly sliding into the empty seat, crossing my legs while looking around expectantly for them to follow my lead. Almost immediately everyone took a seat, Ryker reluctantly being the last to sit down across from me.

"We are grateful for what you are doing, but it is clear there is some unfinished business here." Ryker's dad, Frank, spoke while reaching for his wife's hand. Studying the graying hair on the woman's head I quickly recognized the look on her face to be hope. Hope for her son. Sighing I looked away and to Ryker, determined to get facts across.

"The business had concluded the day he rejected me, and whored around." I declare, narrowed gaze watching the male in question flinch. The corner of my lip curls up, matching Clair's smirk even as Bennet smacked her shoulder. I noticed how close they sat, the familiarity they had between each other and quickly made the connection that they had to be mates.

"Diana. Everyone makes mistakes." Ryker spoke through clenched teeth but before he could continue I slammed my hand against the table, silencing him.

"Until given explicit permission from me, you will refer to me as Alpha Sandalio. Understood?" I tilted my head, nostrils flaring as my wolf rose behind my eyes dating Ryker to challenge me. He backed down immediately, his gaze snapping away.

"Yes. I understand." His words were barely controlled, making the occupants of the room highly uncomfortable with the two alpha energies.

"Good. Now we may continue." I pointed one manicured nail his direction. "You and I were truly never meant to be. Our fate, our destiny, had been decided centuries ago back to the first lycanthrope created."

"What do you mean?" His mother, I believe if remembering correctly, was named Jessica.

"What I mean is, my life is a loose reenactment of an ancient lycanthrope named Leto. Every few hundred years he is reincarnated into a fated wolf. That wolf is doomed to relieve his very first life, just a loose version of it that would fit the time period born." I explained making sure everyone was on how, I'd had to explain it to my pack members two years ago as well.

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