Chapter 27

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“I swear these bags have gotten heavier,” Ethan complained.

I giggled as he carried my suitcase down the stairs with ease. It was obvious that the suitcase wasn’t heavy at all, he just wanted attention.

“And that’s coming from someone who considers himself muscular,” Erica piped in.

Ethan paused to shoot Erica a glare. I gave him a light push on his shoulder so that he would continue walking instead of pulling an argument with Erica. He dropped the suitcase at the bottom of the stairs and rolled it out the door.

I walked towards Mrs. Wilson with a smile. “Thanks a lot for letting me stay here. It’s very-”

“Oh, don’t be so formal,” she cut me off with a laugh and gave me a hug.

After hugging her, I walked out of the door followed by Erica.

“Great,” Erica mumbled sarcastically as we neared the car Ethan was loading with my bags. “Now I’m stuck with Ethan again. And there’s no one to back me up with his pointless arguments.”

I laughed. “You know I never really backed you up.”

“Well, at least you laughed at my comebacks,” she grumbled. “Which, by the way, are brilliant.”

“Totally,” I replied with a hint of sarcasm which Erica didn’t notice luckily.

“Ready to go?” Ethan asked once we were next to him.

I nodded with a closed-mouth smile.

“You’re not coming, are you?” Ethan questioned Erica.

“No, I’m good. I’d rather not tag along in a drive with the two of you being all lovey  dovey to each other,” she said with a frown.

“Hey! We are not one of those mushy couples,” I protested.

“Yes, you are,” Erica replied.

“No!” I argued back.

“Whatever,” she said, dropping it. “See you in school tomorrow.”

“Later,” I replied as Erica started walking back to the house.

I looked back at Ethan. He gave me a bright smile, opening the door to the passenger seat and motioning for me to enter.

I rolled my eyes. “Did you not hear me telling Erica that we’re not a mushy couple?”

“I did,” he replied simply, shrugging.

I shook my head, chuckling and hopped in.


Ethan stopped in my driveway and let out a puff of air.

“What time is your mom going to be here?” he questioned, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

“She said she’ll be here about late afternoon or evening,” I replied with a shrug.

A small smirk formed on his face. “So, we have the house to ourselves till then?”

“I thought you were only here to drop me,” I said, hiding the smile that wanted to form on my face.

“You’d rather be alone than spend some time with me?” he asked with a fake gasp and let a fake pout form on his face.

I laughed at how adorable and pleading his eyes managed to look and playfully gave him a light slap on his cheek. He caught me by the wrist and pulled me closer to him when I was about to open the door of the car.

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