Welcome to Cadmus

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Hi, everyone!  I've been meaning to update this story for a while, but I've been a bit busy.  

If anyone is curious about what Shirou's appearance will be, go on Google Images and search Shirou Emiya Archer Install.  You should find Shirou in Archer's outfit, which I find amazing.

Anyways, I do not own anything and whatever else is needed for a disclaimer.  Don't sue me.


Firemen were trying unsuccessfully to put out the flames when the teens arrived.  Kid Flash was super-speeding towards the burning building, with the others in hot pursuit.  Shirou, Robin, and Aqualad were riding motorcycles created by Shirou's magic.  They raced towards the burning building, with Kid Flash running up the building to save two scientists that were thrown out by an explosion.  Unfortunately, he slipped and fell to the ground, only to be caught by Shirou.

"It's what's his name," a fireman said, relieved.  "Flash Boy!"

Shirou chuckled, while Kid Flash scowled.  "Kid Flash!" he yelled.  "Why is that so hard?"  He then turned his head to Shirou.  "Also, thanks for the save, but put me down!"

Shirou smirked and promptly threw him into an open window.  He then followed, with Robin chasing after him, using some impressive acrobatics.  Shirou felt an aquatic magical presence, and looked back to see Aqualad saving two more scientists using his own Atlantean sorcery.  Aqualad then followed the trio into the building.

Aqualad found Robin hacking a computer, while Shirou and Kid Flash were snooping around the cainets.

"Thanks for the help," Aqualad said, annoyed.

Robin gave him a smirk.  "You handled it.  Besides, we're here to investigate.  Poetic justice, remember."

Shirou chuckled, then heard a beep.  He turned to see a silhouette in an elevator.  What surprised Shirou most was the silhouette's horns.

The hell, Shirou thought.  What was that?  A demon?

"What is it?" Aqualad asked, walking towards him, and saw it too.  The elevator doors closed.

"There was something in there," Shirou said.  He and Aqualad began walking towards the elevator.

"The elevators should be locked down," Kid Flash said.

Robin ran up to check the elevator out.  He activated a hologram computer and scanned the elevators.

"This is a high-speed express elevator," he declared.  

"Something like that doesn't belong in a two-story building," Shirou said.

"Neither does what we saw," Aqualad replied.  He then forced the doors open with brute strength. 

Robin used a grappling hook to slowly lower himself down.  Aqualad and Kid Flash followed him down, whiled Shirou used levitation magecraft to follow them.

As they were descending, Kid Flash asked Shirou, "What exactly are you're powers?  How'd you make those motorcycles and how are you flying?"

"It's mag-" Shirou paused, remembering that the people of this universe have not made the distinction between magecraft and true magic. "-ic."

Kid Flash gave an annoyed glare.  "Fine, be like that."

Shirou was wondering what he said.  They finally got to the end of Robin's rope, at sub-level 26.  Robin then hacked the elevator to get inside.  As the group got onto the floor, Kid Flash rushed forward.  He stopped at an intersection and found giant gray creatures lumbering around.  Surprised, he slipped and almost got stepped on by one of the creatures.  The team watched as the behemoths walked right past them.  Shirou noticed that a smaller version of the creatures rode on one of the larger and it hissed at the heroes.

All of them were dumbstruck.  "No," Aqualad said, surprised.  "Nothing odd going on here."

Young (Hero of) Justice (A Young Justice and Fate Stay Night crossover)  HIATUSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang