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I woke up bright and early that morning- despite the late night. I was full of the sunny, tropical joys of the day, until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. How was it possible that I was even redder than yesterday? Today there would be absolutely no sun activities! I would go to the spa, maybe take a boat tour around the island, or something like that.

Once again I drowned my skin in as much Moisturizing body cream as possible and tried to disguise the glasses tan with more heavy dollops of thick foundation. It wasn’t the best look for me I admit- the foundation was a different hue, and at least one shade lighter than my red neck and shoulders, but the alternative of walking around with large glasses lines, seemed worse.

I toyed with the idea of swinging past Chris’ room before heading to breakfast, but I didn’t want to seem to eager either. So I went to breakfast alone and noted that he wasn’t there yet. It was still early so he was probably just asleep or something.

After an amazing breakfast of fresh tropical juices and a banana cinnamon pancake, I headed towards the reception to book a spa treatment.




 As I was standing there asking for a manicure, I felt it.

An intense burning sensation.

As if someone had harnessed the suns rays with a magnifying glass and was attempting to burn a hole through my back.

And just like the time I’d slipped my keys into my front door and instinctively known something was wrong… I knew that right now, something was very, very wrong.

I froze. Refusing to turn around. Instead I focused all my attention and energy onto the piece of carved wooden art hanging on the wall in front of me. 

But the burning only intensified until it was almost unbearable.

“Yo, Yo Gurlfriend,” I looked up and saw Chris coming towards me and I’d never been so happy to see someone in my entire life.

“Sssshhhhh” I slapped my finger over my lips, “Quick, come here.’

Chris slid up to me with a curious look, “Why are we being conspiratorial? Are you planning on stealing that piece of art? You’ve been starting at it long enough.”

“I need to ask you something-“ But before I could finish.

“No we didn’t have sex last night.”


“Although you did flirt outrageously with me. But I was a real gentlemen and controlled myself”

“Now is not the time to be funny… OKAY! I need you to look behind me and tell me if you see a couple. He has dark hair and she’s got long black hair and the perfect body-‘

At the mention of that Chris looked, “Damn, you weren’t kidding. Amazing legs. That has got to be on of the hottest chicks I’ve ever seen.”

Suddenly I felt very jealous! “Thanks for that. Rub it in why don’t you.”

“Sorry.” Chris said sort of flippantly before adding, “She does look a lot like Megan Fox though, doesn’t she?”

“Jesus- can you stop already!” I gave him a smack on the arm “So they’re there?”

 “Well, if you’re referring to the good looking couple who look like they need to get a room then yes, they’re there!”


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