I'd Change the World for You

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"I told you why."Percy said.

"No,Jackson.Why did you leave?Go into detail."you commanded him.

He sighed,moving his arm from around your shoulders.Percy rubbed his face with his hands before looking back at you."I couldnt stay around you any longer.Clearly I was just bothering you."

"Well yeah but you always bother me."you said when he paused.

"No,I mean more then usual.I was affecting how Annabeth treated you and obviously my prescence around you was upsetting Jason.I was hurting you and disturbing the people around you and...I didnt want to do that anymore.I didnt want to be the reason you were constantly bothered or,thanks to Annabeth,hurt."he explained but still something was missing.

"Yeah okay...but why?Since when did you start to worry about my well being?"you asked.

"Since forever?"Percy muttered as if talking to himself.

Okay.Now you were really confused."But you've never acte-"

"I know."Percy said sounding annoyed,cutting you off."I know...I've never shown it to you,but I always felt it.I always felt like I had to protect you from anyone else hurting you...I guess I ended up hurting you myself in return."he sounded so down and disappointed as he spoke the last part.

"Okay...why?"you repeated.You felt like you really were playing twenty questions.You felt like a child annoying their parent.

"Because...I-I..."he started,stuttering on his words like he couldnt think straight."Do you remember when we first met?"

Percy's question seemed way off topic,but you answered anyway,"Yeah,we were in second grade and you kicked Clarisse in the ribs when she tried pulling my hair."

Percy chuckled and nodded slightly,"Yeah...that was fun."


"Because that was the first day we met and that...was the first time I've ever liked someone."he said,his eyes falling from yours to his hands that were folded in his lap.

"Y-you...liked me?"

"I did...and I still do."he said,never looking back at you."Everytime we met each other after that,the farther I fell for you.Everytime I looked at you, I saw something else that I loved.I wanted so badly to protect you and I suppose...since I didnt think I could be your friend,I thought the best I could do,per say, was be your annoying enemy."he paused again.

"Why couldnt we have been friends?"that was the only question you seemed to be able to find the words to ask.

Percy cracked his knuckles as he nervously bit his lip."You were everything I wasn't.You were happy,smart,and everyone seemed to love you...I was rude,slow witted,and alone.I didnt think I was good enough for you."

Your heart felt like someone stabbed it with a knife.Percy's words hurt you and you didn't want to admit anything,but you knew why they did.

"So...throughout the next ten years...I just accepted what I thought I was to you and kept anyone else from being that.I guess while I was trying to keep Clarisse and Luke from bothering you...I didnt even notice Annabeth.I just thought she was a clingy bitch."Percy explained,rubbing the back of his neck while he stared up at the cabin wall.

"Well...she's definitaly a bitch.Percy why didnt you ever tell me?"

"That Annabeth was a clingy bitch?"he asked,looking at you.

"No,dumbass.Why didnt you tell me you liked me?"

"Because I thought you would reject me.I figured you didnt like me back and after watching me hurt Clarisse,I thought you'd be afraid of me."he answered.

With that,you both fell in silence.Percy kept his eyes on yours,and you had nearly ten million more questions rushing through your mind.You wanted to ask another question like:why didnt he ever move on?Why did he not just tell you instead of leaving?Why did he accept the deal his mom proposed if he wanted to leave you be?

But even with all those thoughts racing in your mind like a wild horse,one moment repeated itself over and over again.

'If you dont admit it.You'll regret it.'

You wanted to do anything else but admit that,but you knew it was the answer.You knew that you liked Percy.Maybe you've always liked him,considering how upset you were when he was gone.Maybe Bianca was right about worrying about him.Even the kiss...the kiss was something you missed when it was over.

'Face it,you've fallen for Percy and you know it.He's irreplaceable.'the voice in your head told you.

"Im sorry."Percy's voice ripped you out of your cage of thoughts.


"For all of this...I'm sorry.I just played the only part I knew I had in your life.It was the only way I could get your attention.I'm sorry for ruining your childhood."Percy told you,his voice sounded as if it was soaked in the disapproval of his actions.You felt so hurt at seeing him act so degrading of himself.

You felt so hurt because,someone you loved was broken.

Adrenaline felt as if it was coursing through your veins;you grabbed the sides of Percy's face,gently but firmly,"Shut up..."you said quietly,"Because...damn it,I love you."Percy's face changed to pure confusion.You,on the other hand,knew what you were doing and kisses him.

Percy jumped back slightly but you two never pulled away.You kissed him with more passion then he did before.Your eyes closed as Percy more confidently kisses you back,wrapping his hands around your waist.

The kiss lasted for a solid thirty seconds.It was like nothing else in the world was moving,just you two.That is,until Grover finally came out of the bathroom.

"Its quiet.Percy did she leav-"Grover's voice forced you two to pull apart.

You both looked at Grover,whose face was beet red.

"Perfect timing."Percy said sarcastically,moving his hands from your waist as you let go of his cheeks.

Grover shuffled awkwardly where he stood,"Uh sorry...s-should I go back or...?"

You laughed and shook your head,"No you're fine."
You looked back at Percy and smiled.

Percy met your eyes with his and tilted his head slightly in question,"What?"

"You'll come back right?I kind of miss my Prince Charming."you said,blushing slightly.

Percy's lips pulled up in a smirk,"I wouldnt dream of leaving my Princess alone."


Percy did end up coming back with you.His mom had invited you and your family over for dinner the same night,as a welcome back for Percy.When the night was coming to an end,you and Percy walked out onto his porch.

"So,whether you like it or not,youre mine now."Percy said,wrapping an arm around you waist from the side.You both were standing near the rail of his porch.

"Im fine with it."you said,leaning into his side as his grip got slightly tighter.

It was a calm,peaceful silence for awhile.All you heard was the noise of passing cars and Percy breathing.

"Y/n?"Percy said quietly.


"Does this mean that you'll still spend summer with me?"he asked,keeping his attention on the road.

You glanced up at him and smiled,"I havent changed you into the golden gentleman yet like your mom asked."you commented,"So yes...besides whats the fun of dating you,of I dont get to be annoyed by you everyday?"

Percy looked down at you and smiled at you.His smile looked like his mother's,warm and gentle.He kissed your forehead before hugging you."Good,because I want to be around you as well."he gently laid his chin on your head."I'll change to be better for you...I'd change the world for you."he whispered.

Fixing the Bad Boy{Persues Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now