Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Perhaps we should show Eliza to her room? I'm sure that it is dinner time soon, and I think a short rest is much needed." Andrew said, noticing the façade that Elle was showing. She was trying so hard to hide her tiredness, and although she had only just met them, she was exhausted.

"Of course," the queen said, looking slightly disappointed. She didn't want her baby to leave so quickly.

"You'll see her at dinner, Mother." Rachel reminded her. "I can show you your room Eliza if you want."

Elle shot her a smile and began to follow her down the hallways.

The castle was huge, and Elle was sure that she would get lost a million times. It was so beautiful, with portraits on every wall.

Rachel finally opened a door and nodded for Elle to go in.

Elle couldn't believe it. It was huge, with a large bed in the centre against a wall. There was a large window that showed the stunning gardens, and a fireplace surrounded with chairs and a small table.

It was better than Elle could ever have imagined.

Above the bed was a painting. It was something that Elle had seen before. A large star was in the centre, with a beautiful design flowing around the outside.

It was the same as the necklace that she had seen at the stall in Grea. She knew that she had recognised it, but she hadn't been sure what it was.

"What is that?" she asked Rachel, her eyes not leaving the picture.

"Our family symbol is the star, and we each have a slightly different design. It's like a birth symbol. The circle in the middle of that represents a type of stone."

Elle was fascinated by it.

"I'll come back and get you in about 30 minutes. We can walk to dinner together if you would like to?" Rachel suggested.

"If you don't mind, that would be great. I think I would get lost on the way!" Elle replied. Rachel giggled slightly before leaving.

Elle went over and sat on her bed. It was so much to take in, and she was so excited. The whole room was her very own.

Around half an hour later, Rachel came back with Andrew.

"You ready for dinner?" Rachel asked, looking at her still in the dress she had worn whilst travelling.

"I don't have another dress," Elle said, her cheeks slightly red from embarrassment. She had spent the time washing and combing her hair, and she had reluctantly dressed back into her dusty clothes.

"You can borrow one from me. If we hurry we will still make it on time!"

Elle followed Rachel to a room a few doors down. Rachel handed her a dress and Elle slipped into it.

"Beautiful!" Rachel smiled at her sister.

The dress was something fit for royalty. Even though she was royalty now, Elle didn't feel like she deserved the dress. Her cheek was still bruised, and she had several marks and scar on her arms from the previous years. They just didn't fit in with the elegance of the dress.

"Thank you."

They were in fact late to dinner, and when Andrew, Rachel and Elle walked in they were all laughing. Andrew had made the comment, "Eliza, I almost mistook you for a princess wearing that dress!"

The other siblings looked on with slight envy. Danny especially wished that it was him whom Eliza was laughing with.

"Sorry we're late," Rachel said through her giggles.

Andrew and Rachel quickly sat down, and Elle sat down in the only empty seat. It was next to Danny, who she sent a smile to her, and close to her father.

The food was incredible. Dishes of meat and vegetables lined the table, and Elle was in awe. She didn't know where to start. The other members of her family started to take food, but Elle sat still.

She didn't know what to do. Back in Grea, she had served Mr Winters and then taken whatever scraps that were left. She had never had so many options. Maybe she would just wait until everyone else had taken their food.

Upon noticing that his twin had not taken any food, Danny scooped up some potatoes and put them on her plate. He then served her the same foods that he had.

When he was done, Elle leant over and whispered to him, "Thank you, I didn't even know where to start."

Danny sent a smile back and began eating.

"So, Elizabeth, where have you been living?" The king asked her. Elle quickly finished chewing the vegetables in her mouth. The last thing she wanted to do was spit food over the king. She would surely get into trouble for that.

"In Grea. I lived in a little bookshop." She replied.

"Oh, come on Eliza. It was hardly a bookshop. I'd describe it more as a dirty shack." Andrew said.

Elle bowed her head slightly in embarrassment. She didn't need their pity. They'd just feel bad.

"Did you like it?" The king continued, ignoring Andrews's comments.

"Yes, it was lovely," Elle said.

"Eliza, stop with the lies. You can say the truth around us. We are family." Andrew said, kindly.

Elle could feel everyone watching her, but she became very interested in the number of forks that were on the table. She didn't want to tell them the truth. They didn't deserve to know.

"Did you have many friends?" The king tried again, watching her with critical eyes.

"A few."

"Eliza, please!" Andrew said, his voice calm.

"I did have friends!" she muttered, looking up at him.

The conversation between the rest of the family became louder, but Elle stayed quiet.

As they got up to leave, Elle turned to Danny. "Do you think that you could show me where my room is? I don't think I will be able to find it."

"Sure," Danny looked delighted at being asked.

As they were leaving, Andrew grabbed her wrist.

"I'm sorry, Eliza. I just hate that you have suffered so much."

"It's okay, but they don't need to know. They will only feel bad for me, and they don't deserve that." She whispered back.

"Are you sure?"


Elle walked with Danny through the winding hallways and up a staircase. When they finally reached her room, they stopped by the door.

"I'm so glad that you are back!" he voiced.

"I'm glad to be back." She said, giving him a quick hug and going into her room.

And that wasn't a lie. She really was glad to be back.

A/N- Hey there! Hope you like this chapter- I'm not sure what I think of it Xx

Thanks for all of the comments! I can't reply to them all, but I wanted to let you know that I have read them all!

And also, Lost Royalty is #3 in historical fiction, so thank you so much for helping that to happen! Xxxx

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