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3rd Persons POV

"How did it go with Josh last night?" Zayn asked Justin as the couple sat at their lunch table.

"Fine, I spoke to him about what was bothering me and he apologised for ditching me. He realised that he'd left me on my own too often, so now we're going to have a guys night once a week and if he's hanging out with Eve he's going to tell me so I can invite you over. I'm much happier now that we've spoken about it." Justin admitted.

"Talking about speaking about things..." Zayn trailed off.

"What is it Princess?" Justin asked and Zayn blushed as Justin called him it in front of their friends.

"We need to talk alone." Zayn whispered in Justin's ear.

The two excused themselves and then rose from the table. They walked along the corridor hand in hand until they were alone and Zayn turned to look at Justin.

"My parents -uh- know." Zayn said awkwardly.

"Know what?" Justin said absentmindedly.

"About what we did on your birthday." Zayn said and felt his cheeks heating up.

"Oh. Liam's going to kill me!" He stressed and started pacing back and forth running his hand through his hair.

"He won't. I spoke to him about it and he seemed okay. He's going to pretend that he doesn't know."

"Are you sure? He was maybe just shocked when he found out. You know what Liam's like, I don't think it's the end of it. I can't believe you told them."

"I didn't tell them! What the hell? He only found out because I was limping thanks to you." Zayn said crossing his arms and leaving out the part where he had walked in on them.

"Alright, I'm sorry." Justin sighed.

"You've got to remember they're not that much older than us. They're still young and they know what it's like. Josh does too." Zayn said wrapping his arms around Justin's neck and cuddling into his chest.

"I know, sometimes I forget because of how parental they are. They're really good at it for only being like 19. Also Liam's mega successful at such a young age." He said and wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

"Papa took care of his siblings a lot. He's also just got a very maternal nature." He explained and they both laughed. "And Dad just inherited the company. He's the youngest in his family but his sisters weren't interested in the company."

After the long day at school Liam picked the boys up as he didn't have any meetings in the afternoon.

"Hey baby." He said as Zayn approached the car.

Zayn tried to sit in the front seat but Liam wasn't allowing it.

"No Zaynie, in the back please."

"But why? Justin's at football so it's not as if I have to sit in the back so he can sit in the front." Zayn countered.

"Because I said so. It's too dangerous for you to sit up front."

Zayn just rolled his eyes and sat in the back with Harry and Niall to try and stop any type of conflict.

"So how was your day?" Liam asked as he pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Yeah it was good, boring but good."

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