Recovery (18)

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Kyle was lucky. Especially since he'd stayed in human form, having escaped with only small cuts and bite marks, and a single deep tear in his forearm, he was one of the luckiest.

It was a little pathetic how Max decided that the single set of stitches was enough to determine Kyle as needing to be coddled. By no means was Kyle incapable of taking care of himself, but Max hated seeing how Kyle's lips tightened in pain. The man looked moody. Not that it wasn't a hot look, but Max just wished that he only looked moody because he was moody, and not because he was in pain.

And so Max refused to leave Kyle alone. For now anyway.

Dressed in a pair of joggers and a tank top, none of which were his, Max curled around a sleeping Kyle, a protective arm thrown over the man. In the quiet moment though, he couldn't help noticing the decor of the room. The huge bed was firm but gave just enough to be comfortable, with a wooden canopy looming over their heads, and dark curtains just sheer enough for Max to see through.

The walls were left plain, and a dark wooden dresser opposite the bed had picture frames lined up on top of it. There was wardrobe on the far side, and a large window opposite. Another door, that probably led to an en suite was positioned adjacent to the first, and Max couldn't help but think of how irritating it would be if both of those doors opened inward.

But eventually, the peacefulness of the room, and the rise and fall of Kyle's snoring lulled Max into a strange state of daydreaming. And then daydreaming simply became dreaming as the last of the adrenaline left him.

The warmth. The quiet lull. The calm. Max couldn't have possible slept better. But then, waking up to see Kyle still asleep was... Max's stomach flopped. The man was so beautiful. He was incredible. It was a wonder what Kyle saw in Max, but he didn't care. Max just thought Kyle was amazing. A little odd, somewhat distant, but amazing.

Knocking on the door had Max frowning. He didn't want to wake Kyle up by moving or speaking too loudly. With a sigh, he shifted off the bed as gently as he could without jostling his Kyle.

Waiting outside was Carter. He looked at Max warily but didn't say what he was thinking.

"Is Kyle asleep?" Was what he asked instead. With a single nod from Max, he continued. "Please tell him to come find me when he's awake. We have some things to go over. I'll see you both later." And with that, Carter turned on his heel and left, but not without flashing a tired, parting smile at Max.

Looking back, Kyle was still asleep, and would probably continue to be for a good while yet. Max didn't know what to make of his mate's exhaustion. How could he be so tired after a single battle? He wouldn't make a very good alpha. The thought stopped Max. Was it bad that he'd thought that? Being the oldest, Kyle was most likely to inherit the Alpha title, right? Max was supposed to be supportive of that. Right?

Who knew? Talking with Kyle about it was probably an option, but it wasn't an option that Max wanted to take. It felt a little wrong even thinking like that about Kyle. As if Max was betraying him by simply thinking that Kyle perhaps wasn't the best person suited for Alpha.

The thoughts weighed on Max as he went to perch on the wide windowsill.

Below, people were milling around, mostly likely being much more productive than Max was with his moping. Nobody looking up to see him watching them, and for that Max was kind of grateful.

Tracing the wood of the windowsill with a finger, Max had to wonder why they'd returned here. Surely it would've been easier to recover at Max's home in the secluded patch of land without anyone to interrupt their quiet musings or the bustling wolves pacing below him, finding jobs for themselves to do. Making themselves useful, despite all the noise they were creating.

With an amused snort, Max realised he was becoming his mother.

"Kitten," Kyle's sleep heavy voice drifted on the breeze Max was letting in through the window. "Come back to bed."

"How do you know I was even in bed in the first place?" Max couldn't help the retort, even as he clambered down and closed the window.

Kyle grunted. "Don't be an ass." And then, "Most of the bed smells like you."

Max should've known really. But he was used to having a human lover. A werewolf would take time to get used to. Time they would no doubt spend together, learning each other's ins and outs. Likes and dislikes. Hopes and fears. Max found a warmth growing in his chest at the idea. Yeah, he was looking forward to getting used to Kyle.

The sheets barely rustled as Max slid back under Kyle's protective arm, basking in his mate's warmth. My beautiful man. Just the sight of him made Max feel as if he'd rolled in catnip. Kyle's arm tightened over him, and Max didn't hesitate to curl around his mate.

"What's wrong?" Kyle murmured, muffled by the pillows he'd turned his face into.

"Nothing," Max responded, even as he tried his best to get closer to Kyle despite there being no space left between them.

Kyle snorted. It was obvious he knew something was up, but Max wasn't quite brave enough to come clean yet. How would Kyle react if he knew what Max had been thinking? No, that wasn't something Max wanted to find out.

"Your brother came looking for you." Max said instead.

Kyle ran a hand up Max's spine. "Yeah? What'd he want?"

Max shrugged. "Told me to tell you to go see him when you woke up."

"And what if I don't want to?"

"It was an imperative." Max informed him.

Kyle chuckled. "What if I wanna stay here, cozied up with my mate?"

Max pressed a kiss to Kyle's collarbone. "I don't know, it might be important."

"What if..." the hand that had been caressing Max's back drifted south, "we make him wait?"

The heat in Kyle's voice had Max tightening the legs he had around Kyle's waist. The couple was separated only by two flimsy pieces of cloth, and both men were very aware of that.

Max wanted to take his time. Wanted to draw it out until one or both of them were begging. But his mouth claimed Kyle's with a fire that could only lead to one thing. Their teeth clicked with the force of the kiss, and already their lips were swelling with the catching of teeth on mouth and nips and back to the forceful kissing.

And - they pulled apart with the sound of the door opening. "Oh! Sorry, I'll... I'll just..."

Kyle sighed, and rested his head on Max's shoulder. When had Max ended up on Kyle's lap?

"What is it Andy?" He asked, though not very gently.

Andy took a moment to collect herself. "Sorry, Kyle, I've been told to collect you. It's important."

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