Chapter 7: The Bad Girl's Carriage Arrives

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"I'm not wearing that."

"What? Why?"

"The fact that you even have a collection like this troubles me." I replied honestly, looking at the mountain of female clothes in Jared's room.

"They just... leave shit. What is it with you girls anyways? I can't have a girl come over for one night without her leaving something and taking like 3 of my shirts."

"That sounds like a you problem. Gotta get you a girl who can keep track of all of her shit." I replied simply, as I began to rummage through the pile of clothing. Most of the stuff was bras and clubbing dresses, but my eyes quickly zeroed in on this dark red dress. It was tight with thin straps and an open back, then a skater type loose fitted bottom portion perfect for dancing. I sprinted down the hall to my room to see if the mask I had from Halloween would match the color.

As I came back into Jared's room and laid it out besides the dress, we saw it was a perfect match.

"Now onto heels." Jared announced, before pulling open his closet to reveal tons of pairs of heels. They all looked brand new too.

All I could do was stare at Jared and judge.

"What kind of girl leave shoes at a random guys' place?"

"Well I mean, by the morning they can't walk right anyways." Jared replied.

I had to take a moment to try and keep the throw up down.

"Please don't ever tell me something like that again. I might actually have to kill myself." I whispered back, before pulling out a pair of cute nude Valentino impressions. "We haven't taken something into account yet." I announced.

"What is it?"

"How the hell am I supposed to ride my motorcycle in this get up?" I asked him. His eyes grew large in realization. There was no way either of us would be risking taking another one of Tino's cars and Jared also drove a motorcycle.

"I can have Davino drop off one of his cars within the next hour or so. You can take that there, then just make sure to drop the car back off at his place down the road. You'll have to run back from there though." Jared replied. I couldn't help but groan.

"Alright. I'll take a shower and get ready, then you can come bring me back to the shop. From there, Davino will drop his car off." I finalized. Jared nodded back.

"Sounds like a plan."


How the fuck did woman do this getting ready shit all the time? I'd forgotten how long it took just to put makeup on. My hair was now somewhat successfully curled, and it hung loosely at my shoulders and across my back. I was waiting at the house for Jared to come pick me up and take me back to the shoppe. It didn't take long for me to hear his motorcycle pulling in.

I quickly grabbed my clutch purse and made sure I had my fake I.D. to get into the club, and my masquerade mask, before successfully making it down the steps in these uncomfortable heels. Jared walked through the door moments later.

"You look absolutely stunning, Alex." He noted, as he fully took in the dress I was wearing under my leather jacket. It had fit surprisingly well considering how thin I was.

"Thank you." I replied shyly. I slipped the mask into my clutch while Jared got the door behind us. The night had gotten a bit chillier than I had expected, and I was glad I decided to grab the jacket in the first place.

"Who knew makeup could make you look like an actual girl." Jared stated as he got onto his bike and I slid on behind him.

"Fuck off, dipshit." I called out over the roar of his engine. All he did was laugh as he pulled out of the driveway and back onto the street.

The ride from our home to the shoppe was barely even a drive. The shoppe was down the street basically, and just a bit closer to the inner city. The breeze of the motorcycle mixed with the clear air and city lights, never got old. Some night, Jared and I would just take a ride around the city with our bikes.

It didn't take long after we arrived, for Davino to arrive with the car. We thanked him, and made it clear that the vehicle would be back in his possession by midnight, before he hitched a ride back to his place with his friends. My mouth drooled at just how gorgeous his matte Dodge Viper VX was.

I was most definitely riding in style tonight.

The night had officially set in as I checked the clock on phone. It was about 9:55pm and the drive to downtown was going to take around 20 minutes with traffic.

I said bye to Jared and thanked him for everything before I slid my clutch into the passenger side of Davino's car, and pulled it out of the shoppes garage.

Traffic in L.A. could honestly be such a bitch, and sometimes I would forget to plan ahead before leaving. Once the club came into sight, I struggled the next 15 minutes with trying to find parking anywhere. Finally a car pulled out about a block away from the club, and I swerved the car in.

I loved the feeling of people looking at the car I was driving. It was honestly the only attention I ever wanted or really needed in life. As I got out, locked the door, and made my way down to the entrance of the club, I instantly saw tall Jaq making his way towards the bathrooms. Even with a mask on, I could tell it was him by his build that sort of towered over everyone else.

Once he caught sight of me, he changed directions and met me at the entrance.

"You made it!" He called to me over the loud music. "And you look absolutely fantastic!" He added. I shot him a grin, before handed the bouncer my fake I.D. He looked at it for milliseconds before handing it back to me and letting me follow Jaq inside.

I slipped my mask out of my clutch and placed it on my face before gently tying the back around my voluminous curls. The club itself looked packed with masked faces that sort of added mood. Latin music filled my ears completely.

It didn't take long before Jaq found me a drink, and brought me out onto the dance floor.

Davino's Car

---------------------------------------Davino's Car

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