For the Love of a Son

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Chapter 10

For the Love of a Son

{Dylan's POV}

"Well, here we are, my house. You can go now." I said to Zack as we approached the small gray house. It may look like a well put together house. A place you would call home. But for me it was hell. I was still a little angry about Zack not coming home the other night. I know I shouldn't be talking like that, like he's my boyfriend. I mean especially because I didn't even know I was gay until recent events. But my anger had worn out as soon as I got in the car. My thoughts started to worry about the fact that Zack was taking me home. What if he came in? What if Tim was there? What if...?

"Why? I just got here." Zack stated confused interrupting my thoughts. He seemed a little less pissed off, but I couldn't really tell.

I sighed. "Fine, just don't freak-out or anything no matter what, OK?" He nodded his head unsure. Sighing again I got out the car. It's not like I didn't want Zack to find out about my foster father. Then again I didn't think I would ever end up in a situation like this.

Twisting the knob to the door - knowing it's open - I prayed that he wasn't here, but much to my dismay, he was. I frowned when I saw Tim, my foster father, stretched out on the couch with a beer in hand. He looked up at me as I came into his view - Zack trailing behind. He got up from the couch with a disgusted look and slapped me across the face. My skin turned a red color and stayed that way, stinging like hell.

"Where the hell have you been?" He barked at me. Shaking I swallowed down the gulp of air I needed.

"I-I was at a f-friends." I chocked out pointing to Zack. He sneered down at him.

"Friend? How could you have a friend with the way you are. You're always uptight. I called the retirement house - they said you weren't there - I called the pet shop, same thing. You need to be at those little jobs of yours so you can pay rent!" He slapped me again and the abuse started again. He threw me into a wall making me break the glass coffee table as I slid down to the ground. The glass cutting my arms. I could here Zack gasp somewhere off to my side. Before I could locate where that was I felt another thing hit me and another. Non-stop pain and blood everywhere. I tried to stand but I would just fall again, I tried crawling away but Tim wouldn't stop and kicked me in the gut. My eyes were blurring and I heard a scream as I saw Zack being picked up. It took everything I had to get up and rush over to Zack.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" I yelled and kicked Tim in the balls, grabbing Zack as Tim dropped to the ground I ran upstairs to my room locking the door behind me. I slid down to the ground, my back against the door, tears streaming down my face. Zack walked over to me and started removing glass and putting it on a towel. He didn't look at me once but he just cleaned me up. When he was finally done he looked me in the eyes. He leaned in and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"My hero." He whispered in my ear. He gave a small smile, and wiped away my tears. I shivered at his touch. Something I thought I would never do as a reaction to Zack. He checked his own body for any damages. I looked at him. Deep in thought about how it is that Zack is never like this all the time. A caring and loving person, not the bad boy act he puts on at school. He turned his head back over to me feeling my graze. I leaned in slowly and softly kissed Zack like the first time we kissed. It was caring, kind, sweet. He melted away all my troubles for a while.

We pulled away and I saw Zack still having his eyes close and small smile playing on his lips before his eyes fluttered open. He held eye contact with me for a while before getting up. I - confused - watched him go to the closet and pull out a bag and started putting some of my belongings in the bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly. He paused for a moment before continuing to pack my things.

"You think I would let you stay here? After what I saw today, your staying with me. Until you find a better home." He said matter of a fact like. He zipped up the bag and came over to me giving me a hand with standing up. We laid down on my bed. He laid his head on my chest and intertwined our fingers playing with my hand, opening and closing our hands together. "Tell me ... how did this happen?" He asked quietly after a while.

I sighed, "My parents died in a car crash when I was four. I was in the car too but somehow I made it out alive. I was put up for adoption soon after. I only had one adoption mother, her name was Kerry. She was a single parent and was so nice to me. That's why I'm so nice. She inspired me. Then when I turned 13... she died from her breast cancer. I was put into a foster care system and that's how I ended up here. A year later the abuse started. Tim burned me with his cigarettes, he hit me so hard that I would become unconscious and one night..." I cut off not being able to say the rest. I closed my eyes trying to rid myself of the horrible images of my past from my mind. But nothing would ever work to get them out.

"One night he what?" Zack asked wanting me to continue. I gulped down all the air I could to stop the tears threatening to spill.

"One night ... he raped me." I said in barely a whisper. Zack looked into my eyes, searching deep within me. He kissed me gently like I did to him. When he pulled back the looked into my eyes.

"I promise he'll never hurt you ever again." He said with every ounce of determination. For once I felt like someone was there for me, but for it to be Zack? That was unthinkable. Yet, here he was. He was the one that was helping me right now. He cuddled up into my arms more and soon feel asleep. I myself was felling tired, but I keep thinking. Was it always going to be like this? One minute we were mad at each other, the next caring and loving? I closed my eyes not wanting to think about that right now. For now I just lived in the moment. Me and Zack was all that mattered right now.

A/N So I have now uploaded, what I wold love to see is: A COMMENT. Thank you in advance to any who comment. <3

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