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Shawn watched as his sons chased their sister around the backyard. Shayna sat next to him with her legs intertwined with his as they swung on the porch bench. Mac'Kenzie giggled as the boys began to catch up to her. It had been so amazing to come home to the sounds of children running and laughing. Shayna loved being a mother, and it showed in everything that she did. From patching up scrapped knees to getting the kids ready for school and daycare.She loved every moment of it. The boys pounced on top of Mac'Kenzie as they caught. She screamed out in laughter, as they began to tickle her. It was moments like these that Shayna and Shawn lived for.

Snuggling her head closer to Shawn's chest, Shayna smiled. She wrapped her arms around Shawn's body not wanting to ever let him go. He gave her the biggest blessing that she could ever ask for, and she could never repay him for that. Things were a bit rocky after the twins arrived. Shayna had some internal bleeding that left her in the hospital for a couple of months. The twins were old enough to go home, so Shawn and his mother were with them majority of the time. Shayna felt that she missed out on the major milestones that the boys went through. She missed them rolling over, their first teeth, their first time crawling, and many more.

The police investigation as to what happened to Shayna was pointless. There was no way that Shayna could prove that it was Ciara who assaulted her, and no matter what she said the police couldn't do anything about it. Things didn't go over that smoothly with Ciara after Shayna got out of the hospital. Ciara still tried to Mac'Kenzie away, and she continued to try to make moves on Shawn. That was until Shayna handled her.


Ciara danced around her apartment while she cooked. She had the apartment to herself with Jamar being out of town. She looked at her body in the reflection of the fridge, and admired herself. She knew she hot and there wasn't anything anyone could say to change her mind. She ran her hands down her flat stomach, and around to her ample ass. She snickered as it bounced in her hand.

She tore away from her ogling as a knock came to door. Ciara looked at it in confusion, because she wasn't expecting anyone. She opened suspiciously, and was knocked down as the door was pushed completely open. Her head jerked up in a snap as the door slammed shut. She furrowed her brows as she made eye contact with Shayna. Scrambling to her feet Ciara got into a defensive stance, and asked, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"You know exactly why I'm here. You took a cheap shot on me while I was pregnant. You put my health, and the lives of my babies in jeopardy."
"Listen get the hell out of my house."
"Oh I'll leave just as soon as get what I came for," Shayna's fist connected with Ciara's face before the last word came completely out of her mouth.

Blow after blow, Shayna connected with her face. Lashing out from everything she had dealt with for the last year and half from her. Shayna stopped as Ciara cried out in distress. "Please stop. I'm sorry, just stop hitting me."
"Why should I?"
"You weren't even woman enough to admit what you did. You thought that if you would have killed my children, Shawn would have somehow come crawling to you. You poor naive girl. Shawn wants nothing to do with your trashy ass. I don't ever want to find out that you have contact with my husband again. If it doesn't concern Mac'Kenzie, I better not see you contact him again. Do you understand," Shayna asked with a stern look on her face. Ciara didn't answer, and earned a slap from Shayna in response. Ciara quickly nodded trying to free herself from Shayna's clutches. Shayna finally let her go, and her body curled into a ball on the floor. She could hear the whimpers rip through her chest. Shayna snickered to herself before walking out of the door.

Shawn had no clue what happened until Ciara showed up to work. They were in a staff meeting and she was sitting in the back with a pair of sunglasses on. No one acknowledge her, but Shawn was confused because there was no sun in the room. After the meeting ended, Shawn called her into his office, and informed her, that sunglasses inside the building unless they were regulated by a doctor were allowed during work hours. Ciara nodded but didn't take the glasses off. He approached her, and saw the cuts and bruises she attempted to hide under her make up. He stepped back astonished and asked, "What the hell happened to you?"
"Your wife did," Ciara grumbled out before scurrying out of the office. Shawn laughed to himself. He didn't know his wife was scrappy. He shook his head and got back to work.

**End of Flashback**

Shayna looked at the twins, not believing that they were already five years old. They were a spitting image of Shawn, and they were the most precious thing to ever grace the planet. They protected their big sister as if they were big brothers. Mac'Kenzie adored her little brothers from the moment they were born. She was simply adorable for an eight year old. She was smart, and caring. She excelled in school, and was always so helpful to Shayna. Shayna couldn't ask for a better daughter.

Looking over at her husband, she locked fingers with him. He pulled her closer to him, kissing her on her lips sweetly. She never thought that they would experience such bliss. Even after all of the shenanigans on Ciara's part, Shayna couldn't imagine a better person by her side. She knew that Shawn was the perfect father and the perfect spouse, and she would never want to spend the rest of her life with anyone else.


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