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"How did it go with Harry?" Niall questions the following morning. Zayn and Justin left late the night before, and Niall is still sleepy. He lays curled up on the couch, feet in Liam's lap, huge coffee cup in his hands.

"It went well," Liam smiles back, running a hand through his hair. "Really well. I think we're gonna go out again."

"Yay!" Niall beams, and Liam chuckles in response.

"How'd it go last night?" Liam hides his smirk under a sip of coffee.

Niall scowls. "You let them in! Traitor!"

"I figured it was for the best. Go on, tell me how it went."

Niall sighs. "It went well. They got mad at me for ignoring them --"

"Told you so," Liam interrupts.

"But they got over it," Niall continues. "And then we watched The X-Files and Zayn and I beat the crap out of Justin with a pillow because he wouldn't shut up."

That makes Liam laugh. "I'm glad things went well, even though they would've gone even better if you'd just fucking listened to me."

"Yeah, I know," Niall mumbles, voice small. When Liam looks over, the small blond's face has gone solemn, and he stares down into his coffee cup.

"Hey, kiddo, it's okay," Liam soothes quickly. "It all ended up okay, right?"


"Totally fine, then."

They lay on the couch for a while, lazy. Niall sips at his coffee, watches a few reruns of Friends on TV. He loves lazy Saturdays, especially with Liam. Liam dozes off on the couch, and Niall drifts off to sleep on his shoulder until his phone starts to vibrate in his lap.

"Hello?" Niall says in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, baby boy, did I wake you up?" Justin says. Niall can hear a smile in his voice.

"Justin! Hi! Kinda...but it's okay, it was just a nap."

"Sorry, sweetheart, didn't mean to wake you. Do you wanna call me back when you're really up?"

"No, I'm okay!" Niall responds, cheeks pinking just from the obvious fondness in Justin's voice. "How are you?"

"I'm good, baby. Are you busy today?"

Niall yawns. "No, I don't think I'm doing anything. Liam's asleep right now, but I think he had plans anyway."

"Would you like to come over? Zayn is gonna be out for the day, and I'd love to see you."

"Okay," Niall beams. "Can you pick me up?"

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll be there in half an hour, yeah?"

"Okay!" Niall hangs up and moves his legs from Liam's lap, which wakes him up.

"Where are you going?" Liam asks, disoriented. He rubs his eyes.

"Justin's gonna pick me up in a little bit. I gotta go get ready," Niall answers in a rush, excited.

Liam waves him away, chuckling. Niall scampers to his bedroom to change, and he throws on some jeans and a sweater. He's just tugging on his shoes when the doorbell rings, and he hops to the door on one foot, attempting to tie his shoe at the same time.

"Hey, babydoll! Oh -- careful, don't want you to fall!" Justin drops and ties Niall's shoe for him, which has the poor boy blushing bright pink.

"Thank you," Niall mumbles, flustered.

"You're welcome, sweet pea." Justin affectionately brushes Niall's hair back. "You ready to go?"

"Yup! Just let me say bye to Liam," Niall responds. He runs back through the dining room and give Liam a quick kiss on the cheek, and then goes back to Justin, who waits with his hand outstretched. "So what's Zayn doing?"

Justin interlaces their fingers. "He had to go to a conference. Lucky me, I got lucky and didn't have to go."

Niall giggles. "Lucky you," he repeats.

"So cute," Justin mumbles to himself, and opens the car door for Niall. "What do you want to listen to?" he asks, fiddling with the radio.

"Oh, anything is fine."

Justin keeps fiddling with the radio, not satisfied until he finds the Disney station. Niall laughs loudly, but can't help but sing along to "Part of That World," from The Little Mermaid. When Justin pulls into the driveway, Niall's jaw drops.

"This is where you live?" he gasps out, appalled at the giant house.

The real surprise in Niall's voice makes Justin laugh. "Yeah, sweetheart, this is where we live."

"Wow," Niall whispers. He follows Justin into the house, and he looks around, smiling when he sees some of the pictures of Zayn and Justin. "These are cute," he beams, and Justin grins back, gaze fond. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sorry," Justin murmurs, embarrassed at being caught. "You're...you're just so precious. God."

Niall ducks his head, still blushing. "...Shut up."

That makes Justin laugh, and he cups Niall's cheeks in his palms and kisses his forehead. "What do you wanna do, sweetheart? Watch a movie? Make cookies or something?"


"Anything you want," Justin chuckles. Justin chooses sugar cookies (which they argue about, because Niall wants chocolate chip), but Niall gives in because Justin lets him choose the movie (which ends up being Despicable Me, because he's a soft, little thing).

"We can't make the cookies," Niall ends up telling Justin after the dough is made up.

"What? Why not?"

"I'm going to eat all the dough," Niall giggles, taking a handful, fully prepared to shove it all in his mouth.

Justin swats his thigh, not hard enough to hurt. It actually makes Niall giggle. "No way, baby boy. Eating that much raw dough isn't good for you, and that's, like, three whole cookies. Put it back."

Niall does, pouting, but he brightens when Justin kisses his cheek. They sit on the counter and chat idly as the cookies bake, and then curl up on the couch together once they're done, Niall most of the way in Justin's lap. They're halfway through The Little Mermaid when Zayn gets home.

"It smells good in here -- oh, hi, cutie! I didn't know you were here!" Zayn sounds happy to see Niall curled up in Justin's lap, and even happier when Niall bounces up to hug him.

"You smell good!" Niall hums from where his face is nestled in Zayn's neck.

Zayn kisses the top of his head. "I see you guys are watching The Little Mermaid." He snags a cookie from Justin's pile, and Justin shoots him a venomous glare. Zayn just winks back.

After changing his clothes, Zayn joins them on the couch, and they finish the movie together. No one mentions it, but it's so nice to just be together in such a domestic way, and Zayn and Justin exchange a glance. They need to make Niall theirs, without a doubt.

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now