Chapter 7: I love you

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Crystal woke up in a hospital bed. She looked around.

"Mommy!" Screamed Crystal.

Barnabas sat in a chair and looked over at his daughter. Tears fell from his eyes.

"Crystal I'm sorry, but your mother has passed on." He cried.

Crystal let out a loud scream. Bramwell ran into the room and over to his half sister.

"You're okay." Said Bramwell with tears in his eyes.

Crystal hugged him with a tear in her eye. Barnabas couldn't look away from his sad daughter.

"You killed my mother." Cried Crystal.

Barnabas starred at his daughter and instantly stood up.

"I did nothing of the sort. She brought this on herself." Hissed Barnabas.

Crystal starred at him with anger. This is all your fault. I can never forgive you. She gave him a death stare.

"You made her leave all because you thought she was to torture you. Well you were wrong. She came because she cared when you didn't!" Snapped Crystal.

The anger died from Barnabas's eyes to be replaced by guilt. He knew this was his fault now.

"I should have let her be. You have the right to be angry with me. All I want now is to start over." He whispered.

Crystal looked at him and let out a half smile.

"You should have started over with my mother first before me. The last thing you both did was fight." Crystal whispered back.

Barnabas let out a smile and hugged his daughter. Bramwell let out a smile and hugged them both. After a while all three of them were joined by Josette.

"Now here's a family portrait." Smiled Josette.

Barnabas walked over to her.

"Well we are one weird family." He laughed.

Crystal and Bramwell looked at each other with a smile.

"Being weird is what makes us a family." Corrected Crystal.

They all starred at one another, knowing they were happy together.

Crystal Bouchard Collins (Dark Shadows Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now