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~3rd person POV~

Mia was just at home on the couch when she got a text from Natsume

'Hey do you wanna go get some coffee tonight or something?' The text said that as she quickly replied yes with a squeal

"What's got you so excited?" Tsubaki asked with a smile as she sat back down in between him and Azusa

"I got a date tonight, oh I better go start getting ready!" Mia squealed as she jumped up leaving them both stunned as Tsubaki glared at nothing in hate

"You can't have her all to yourself" Azusa told him with a sigh knowing Tsubaki probably wouldn't listen to him

"I know but I sure as hell can try" Tsubaki mumbled standing up with a frown and walking away as Azusa watched him go

~A few hours later
All ready to go Mia walked out of her room only to bump into the one brother she hasn't talked to yet Iori

"Oh I'm so sorry" Mia mumbled getting off of him considering she crashed into him falling right on top of him

"It's fine" He told her with a prince like smile taking the hand she offered him standing up

"Are you alright?" He asked her noticing she looked slightly dressed up in a very cute dress

"Oh me yes" She told him distracted as she looked at the time on her phone "But I have got to go,it was nice seeing ya Iori" She smiled at him as she walked by planning on heading out right away but she didn't know that Iori had watched her walk away with a blush and smile 

"Natsume!" Mia yelled his name once she saw him outside a cute coffee shop

She took off running towards him as people around them smiled at the blush on his cheeks and how he looked at her

"You look nice" Natsume complimented her with a smile as she took his arm and walked them inside

"You don't look so bad yourself" Mia said back with a wink as they sat down

"It's so nice here" She whispered looking around in awe as he chuckled at her

"Oh my god that's the famous MIA" A random girl squealed her name as Mia quickly looked away

"Do you get a lot of attention?" Natsume asked her after he had ordered their coffee

"In my job yes" Mia told him with a sigh

"Enough about me I wanna know about you" She told him leaning forward with a cute smile as he blushed but smiled back slightly

"Not much to know I live alone with two cats and work for a video game company" He told her suddenly wishing his life was more exciting

"Oh wow that's so cool you get to work with video games, that's a dream job right there" Mia mumbled looking at him with a pout of jealousy

"I could send you a few games" Natsume suggested with a smile

"Really?" Mia asked him with a huge smile

"Yes" Natsume simply said

"Your the best" She told him leaning over to kiss his cheek as he blushed

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