12| Rogue

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It's been a couple of days since everyone has been here and it's now time for them all to leave, which I'm pretty sad about. I've made so many new friends and met so many new people. However Leila is staying here in Silver Blood with Pogue as they are mates. Hayden is pretty upset about it as they are best friends but we said she is always welcome to come here any time she wants.
"I'm going to miss you all so much!" I say hugging Sophie, Hayden and Eliza. "We will miss you to." They say all getting into separate cars.

"Ava get into the house now and get upstairs and lock bedroom door!" Jace shouted through our mind link. He left early this morning to do patrols or something, I was half asleep listening so I didn't quite hear. "What's wrong?" Val said. It was only me, Val, Jen and Leila standing outside the pack house alone all the guards just ran into the woods.
"Jace just screamed at me to get inside the house?" I said confused.
"Chase just linked me also?" Jen said confused.
"We better head back." I said walking to the house. When we all got inside we headed upstairs to sit on the balcony. One night we set blankets and pillows out and slept here and it was so fun, except when it decided to rain. As we walked in the room I got a duvet to place over the balcony floor so we could sit down. We were just casually talking when we heard loud howls from below on the ground. Standing up I go to check and when I look down I gasp. Rogues, around 30 of them looking around and sniffing the air.
"Guys." I whisper as they all walk over to the railing. "What shall we do?" Leila asks worriedly.
"Wait, did anyone lock the front door?" I ask, maybe it would have been a good idea. "Not me." They all say at the same time. "I'll go and check. Stay here all of you and don't move!" I shout at them. I can't have any of them at risk.
Running out the room I lock the bedroom door then head down the stairs. Looking out the window I see Jace's big black wolf sprint into the scene from the woods. Two large rogues head towards the door, I quickly lock it and turn around to head back up the stairs but the door smashes open behind me.
From instinct I quickly shift and turn around snarling at both rogues. I've never actually fought any wolf before so this will be interesting. The one on the left pounces towards me, I cower back a little before biting down on its neck as hard as I could. I shake my head and drop the wolf. I think it's dead...
The taste of blood floods my mouth causing me to squirm. I close my eyes when I feel my body get slammed again the wall. I whine as I land on my paw and a loud snapping sound was heard. My body started to get dragged by my neck towards the front door by the other rogue. I try and wiggle out of his grasp but as I do it bites down onto my neck even harder than before which makes my wolf feel faint, I feel my eyes starting to drift but A loud growl shoots them back open.
My wolf purrs as she sees Jace's big black wolf come into view. Running over to the rogue he grabs it by the back by its neck and throws him into the direction of the kitchen. Walking past me I keep facing forward towards the door as more rogues may appear. Loud howls and screeching was coming from the kitchen but unfortunately this made more rogues run into the house.
Jace quickly ran out and they all cowered away running out the house, the pack warriors easily caught them and no doubt they'll either be sent to the prison or killed.
"Ava princess are you okay?" Jace said shifting while running to my side. "Okay you're not, I need to get you to the pack doctor but you're going to have to shift." I do as Jace asks. I shift and now I'm lying naked on the floor with a wound on my neck and probably a broken wrist.
"Alpha I just wanted--" A wolf came in but paused as he saw me lying naked on the floor.
"GET OUT!" Jace growled at the guy in his Alpha voice. He looked to only be about 15 and the terrified look on his face made me feel bad. "Can you bring the doctor here?" I whispered to Jace.
"I'm going to have to carry you there, he has other patients also." He frowns picking me up. I wince as he throws a blanket on top of me as we head out the door, not through pain but every move I made seems to hurt.
Walking to the infirmary pack members ran to see if I was okay but Jace just shouted at them to go away if they got to close. Closing my eyes I rested my head on his chest as I began to feel drowsy, I think I've lost a lot of blood.
"Are Val, Jen and Leila okay?" I force the words out my mouth.
"Don't worry about them princess, they are fine." Jace looked down giving me a worried yet reassuring smile. The last thing I remember was closing my eyes...

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