Low Tide Love

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I don't know what to do exactly. Do I tell him everything is going to be fine or that he did the right thing? Both of these can be taken to extreme ways beyond me trying to comfort him. My eyes take a short glance to Flynn, how he sits beside me, his eyes locked upon the road, the radio off, and it seems as if he's absent. He's feeling the side effects of rejecting your mate, how you feel emptiness, lost as you become vulnerable and your heart aches. Flynn got me through much of how I felt, how I was heartbroken and he was beside me, knowing to not take advantage of my vulnerability as he respected my state of being.

His jaw is clenched, his hands wrapped tight around the wheel as the familiar landscapes surround me. Just an hour ago we arrived back in the airport we left from, a hour drive before us the minute we landed. Luna Willow has business in the city, already having driven separate to the airport, meaning that it's just Flynn and I. It's been thirteen hours since Flynn was rejected and he rejected June. June, the woman Flynn was destined to be with and he will never truly know. My mate I know, my mate I was best friends and I ruined that also shattered his reality. I want to check up on Augustus, to make sure he's okay, but I know to give him time. Time before I pull him aside and introduce him to this new reality of werewolves. Why? Because I have to show him we pose as no threat to him, we are peaceful and just trying to get through life as he is as well. It will take time, but I also want to make sure that he does not go spilling the information to everyone. Hunters are here in our world, though they only hunt down werewolves who threaten the minds of humans, the mind that think the supernatural are fairytales.

Looking back to Flynn, I want to say something. Something related to yesterday's events, but at the same time I want to respect his personal space. His little bubble that he keeps himself within right now, living in a different kind of reality as he blocks out the world around him and keeps focused on his emotions. Do I blame him? I don't. Resting my head against the window, I look out at the familiar views as we get closer to the inevitable. I don't know what exactly to say.

"Pull over." I don't know what I just said, only aware that I had no filter and do not know where that came from.

His eyes meet mine and I know that I said the wrong thing right away. A cold stare is all I get, his jaw clenched as his knuckles turn white as they grip the wheel tighter. He's broken. "Pull the car over," I repeat, keeping my voice strong as on the inside I'm shaking and scared. Scared not because he would hurt me, but scared because I do not know what I am about to do.

Flynn complies, pulling car off the freeway and to the country road. I have no idea where we are, but I know if I decide to run home in wolf form, I'll find a way back home. As Flynn puts the car in park and the atmosphere becomes more tense than ever, I take in a deep breath.

Looking to Flynn, I run a hand through my hair in stress. "When Augustus started to fall in love with Molly, my wolf dug herself a hole within my mind. As they continued their relationship, my wolf refused to come to me, to talk with me, or to even shift," I explain, not knowing why I am telling Flynn this. "People started asking questions, even you, as to why I was not going on the typical day runs, and that made me feel pointless. Without my wolf or mate I felt like I had no true purpose." I lean my head back, my breath shaky. "The day you punched that junior and told me off, I was so angry. I was frustrated and heartbroken." Flynn's eyes soften. "That day I shifted because your comments were the last straw for me, my wolf knowing that a shift and long run was what we needed to get through the day. She knew she could not run forever like how I was running from the truth that my mate did and does love someone else."

Flynn takes in a deep breath. "I'm still sorry about that day, the words that I had said."

"When I rejected Augustus, I asked him if he loved Molly," I add. "I asked him and he said he saw his future with her. I didn't need to hear that for validation that he loves her, but because he needed to hear it. To hear it because I wanted him to know that he doesn't love me but Molly, that the mate bond was the only thing that caused him to think of me romantically." My phone rings buzzing in my pocket as it interrupts the moment of confession.

Intimacy | ✔️ {Wattys 2017}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt