Chapter 20- The call

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Here are more of her lovely covers, @missred237 (there will be more at the end of this chapter) this is the second update of my double update

Being here doesn't make me happy. It fills me with memories of my brother, of what they did to them, of who they really are. Murderers. Murderers should not get away with it, that is why I need to report Valentino; I need to. But no one seems to understand. HE KILLED MY BROTHER! He killed others. He shouldn't get away with that, is you think he should then there's something wrong with you. Why does no one understand my pain?

This is what I need to do. He may have been funny and nice but that doesn't matter, he hurt me too much. This is why he shouldn't let me have my phone, but I guess he was trusting in me. I can no longer be nice. You can do this Willow, you can do the thing that you've been wanting to do all this time. Call them. Call the police. Have freedom. Save yourself.

My fingers click the buttons, dialling the number of the police. And it rings. "Hello, Kate Sarge speaking," I clear my throat.

"You need to catch this guy. He has kidnapped me, he has kept me here. He has murdered others, he murdered my brother," I whisper the last part. Am I making the right decision? Yes. Yes I am.

"What's the address?" She asks in a rush. For a moment I think about not telling her. I think about hanging up and pretending this never happened, but I whisper it to her and then she hangs up saying that they will be here right away.

Why am I crying? Why is there tears? WHY? The door downstairs barges open, I run down the stairs to see police aiming their guns everywhere. "Are you the one that called?" Valentino walks into the room and they aim the guns at him, he looks at me with so much disappointment and hurt. I can't do this. I can't.

"No. There must be a mistake," I whisper. But I know that Valentino knows I did call them, that I want to get out of here after yesterday. They all give me a look, "I'm positive, maybe it was a kid playing a prank or something." They all sigh and nod before walking out of the house, as soon as they all leave the sound of glass colliding with the wall makes me snap my head towards him.

"You called the police. You were going to send me to jail, HOW COULD YOU!" He roars outraged.

"NO! HOW COULD YOU! You stole the only person whom I had left from me, you didn't even care and it hurts! It hurts every day. You've taken others lives, you sell drugs, you do illegal street racing, you do underground fighting, you do all of that and you think you don't deserve this? YOU DESERVE TO BE IN JAIL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" I shout, feeling the veins in my neck pop up to make their appearance.

He stays silent for a moment before he points to the door, "get out of my fu- house now. GET OUT!" I flinch slowly moving forwards towards the door. He picks up a vase and throws it next to the door, close to my head. "I SAID GET THE FU- OUT!" I quickly run out, the tears spilling from my eyes. I deserved this one. But so does he.
Val's pov
She runs out, afraid of me. Leaving me. I can't see her face, I can't let her see my face either. The pain. It's slowly rushing back to me, the feeling of feeling is a blow to the chest. The betrayal stings deep. I may have deserved it but that doesn't mean I can't be mad.

My body slides down the wall, the pain is getting too much. Everything hurts. She called the police, she was going to let me rot in that hell hole. The only person whom has brought me peace was going to do that to me. And I told her to leave.

But I saw it in her eyes when the police were holding their guns to me, she was confused, she didn't want this, she didn't want to send me to jail. But yet she had the guts to call the cops, I deserve it of course but why would I admit that?

My phone rings in my pocket, I grab it and roll my eyes. The anger hasn't faded, it's there like a raging bull. "What?" I snap as soon as I answer the phone.

"Well hello to you too," Mikes voice says on the other line. I roll my eyes and stand up walking to the kitchen, I grab a bottle of beer and open the lid and take a gulp of the liquid. "What happened between you and Willow?" Willow. Willow. The name makes me feel happy yet sad.

"She called the cops on me. So I did the rational thing, threw a case or two and told her to get out before I did something I'd regret," I reply.

"Wow...." he trails off. "She called Nova, she's probably going to be staying for a while. No doing the dirty for me," he chuckles trying to make light of the situation. I don't even crack a grin, I take another swig of my beer. "So are you giving up on her now? Going to let her spread her wings and not be 'yours' anymore," I scoff gulping down the rest of the drink and placing it on the coffee table.

"Willow can't get rid of me that easily. She's still mine for sure, I'm just mad and..... upset. I just can't see her man, not yet, not tomorrow, not for the rest of the week. I need to cool off, maybe stop selling drugs too," I say. It was a struggle to say upset. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings to anyone.

"But that's practically how you earn some of your money," he says.

"I know. But Willow and I got into a massive fight over it and that may be the reason why she called the coppers. I don't want to be bad to her, man. I don't want her to only be mine but I want to be hers. I want her to love me and I want to be a good guy for her," he's silent. That's the most crap I've really ever confessed.

"Well then commit to what you just said. Ya know, don't sell the drugs, be a good man to her, let her have freedom, be kind, just treat her like a princess!" Mike exclaims.

"I already try."

Here is the last of the covers <3

So sorry I haven't been updating lately, been super busy and very tired.

Love y'all and hope you enjoyed the double update

Lots of love,

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