Chapter 14

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The show was very popular at the moment. It's ratings had gone through the roof. Not only because it was centred around Xavier Matthews but because people wanted to see who this guy was. On the show, he was quiet and mysterious. And they wanted more and more of him.

Also overnight there was a media storm. Another scandal. And a few.

Pictures were leaked of him smoking a bong, another getting a bit close and intimate with a stripper which had a playboy bunny tattoo on the bottom of her spine. There were reports of a sex tape being possibly released and sold to the highest bidder.

Hearing all these stories made my heart sink.

I felt sad and surprisingly jealous.

I knew my heart was in danger of getting broken but for some stupid I didn't seem to mind. It was only just a small crush anyway. Nothing serious.

Producers was raving about the shows popularity, Xavier's management TV were ecstatic as well but to be honest they kind of creeped me out with their dark looks and hungry eyes.

The sporting show was nearly finishing up and we were going to go back on air again. The past week had been the most relaxing. Xavier was away on work and promoting his album but Rose and I had a blast back at the mansion and around LA. We were the classic tourists the two of us. The other day we drove up to the Hollywood sign and we walked through the streets of LA. Unfortunately we didn't bump into any actors or actresses but we walked past a movie shoot which had Emma Roberts starring in it.

We found a skate park and we managed to convince the other girls to come along and for fun we did a mini photo shoot which I put the photos on my tumblr. Rose was really good at photography and had a Canon DSLR which took some great shots.

Lindsay actually co-operated and volunteered to do people's make up and she was really good at it as well, surprisingly. Jono came with us and recorded us for a bit to fill in some air time for later this week which was fine. Coco came with us as well and was running in between the skateboarders and accidentally knocked a few over but he was adorable and was easily forgiven.

Today was Friday and we were back at the mansion and I was walking back from the lagoon with Amy. We both swam a little in the lake along with Tahlia and had our bikinis on under a simple short sleeved floral dress. Our hair was drenched and mine was forming little dread locks slash ringlets.

On the way up a certain boy called Charlie called Rose over to him. She proudly walked over to him while sending me a cheeky wink my way.

I giggled but made my way upstairs, leaving the two love-birds in peace.

The elevator arrived on my floor and the moment I stepped out I heard two male voices arguing from around the corner.

I recognised Xavier's both and the other voice was deep, like a middle aged voice.

"What is happening Xavier!?" The man asked desperate, "Did I do something wrong? Is it your mum, are you missing her?! What is going on?!"

"No, dad! Just leave it!"

"No! I won't. I did not raise my son to act like this! What is happening?!"

Xavier sighed sounding frustrated, "Dad, I know what I'm doing! I'm 18 now!"

His dad snorted, "You're not acting 18 years old, this is completely reckless!"

"Dad, will you just drop it?!"

"No! I would have never signed you if I knew you were going to turn into this–this monster! You have to get your act together or I will cancel your contract. I may be your boss but I'm also your dad but right now you're not acting like my son."

The Search for Cinderellaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें