A Clue By Four

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I decided to check up on the others before I left for Earth

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I decided to check up on the others before I left for Earth. Also I needed to lay some ground work into the next few steps that I take. I stepped into Omar's quarters first. The poor guy was undergoing physiotherapy, with a small brace to support his leg.

Rishaan: Dude, you look better.

Omar: Hey, all thanks to Lord Ishrafil, he sent for me an hour after we left. I had a hairline fracture and he managed to fix it. Since I don't like to have painkillers, I'm trying walk the pain off. It appears to be working, I have very little pain now. You know, he is really good. I was watching, he waved his hands and the bones joined up. That was like woooossshhh and I was like whoaa. Then he said 'OK now off you go' as if nothing happened. It's like super cool.

Rishaan: Ha ha, you never slow down do you?

Omar: Why? What do you mean? Slow down? Me? Why would I want to slow down? Life is so short, we should all be super-fast. Zip zap zoom.

Rishaan: Um, are you sure you didn't have any medication? Because you seem--

Omar: Yes man, none whatsoever. I just had a few night caps.

Rishaan: It's day time. (Face-palm) What do you mean by a few?

Omar: That much!

He points to a bottle of brandy; half of it was empty. A shot-glass sat beside it on the counter making a circular stain on the wood, like a dirty halo.

Rishaan: Good to see you're doing well; I'm off to Earth for a few days. So I just came to check up on you. I have some fun stuff to do.

(I said that knowing well that his curiosity will get the better of him.)

Omar: What fun stuff? (Wide eyed)

Rishaan: Nothing, I was reminiscing about the times my dad used to take me to the museum.

Omar: You feel a museum is fun?

Rishaan: Of course, I heard they had a renovation last month, new CCTV and all. I would love to check it out.

Omar: You sir are really boring. I thought an amusement park, or a club. Maybe even a good zoo because everyone knows penguins are awesome, but a museum?

Rishaan: Fine. I'm leaving. Just stop drinking during the day.

Omar: Ha ha, sure, I will tell Paviraa that you said Good bye.

Rishaan: The world would have been a lot less annoying if it was your jaw instead of your legs that broke.

Omar: Hey, the old man would have healed that as well, and then I'd have annoyed you more. Go now, run to Paviraa in slow motion.

Rishaan: I am going there, not in slow motion though. But first, could you please send me to Mary; I don't know where she would be now.

Omar: Umm, why? Do you like her as well? How can you like everyone? Wait, do you? Do you like her and not Paviraa? Whoa, am I thinking correctly?

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