M is for Mommy

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My eyes wouldn't close. It was almost daylight and I haven't gotten any sleep. How could I sleep? My sister just died a couple of hours ago and all I can think about is Miracle. I'm going to have to be a mother to her and this would change my life forever.

"Mo. Go to sleep." King said halfway asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chair.

"I can't." I admitted.

"Just try." He said before shutting his eyes and dozing back off to sleep.

I got up from my seat and walked out of the cold hospital room. I grabbed a cup of coffee from the waiting room and took the elevator to the sixth floor. The floor that they held all the newborns in.

I walked up to the nursery and saw all of the brand new babies that were either sleeping or crying.

"Hi ma'am. Are you looking for your baby?" A nurse asked me.

"Umm. Yea."

"What's the name?"

"Miracle Henderson."

"Ohh the tiny baby girl. She's right over there." The nurse pointed.

I looked at the incubator they put her in. She had all types of cords attached to her small body.

"Miracle weighs three pounds. She's gonna' have to stay in the hospital until she is at least six pounds." The sweet nurse explained.

Just looking at her brought tears to my eyes. This is my child now. I stayed down at the nursery for a couple of minutes before heading back upstairs to the hospital room.

I slowly opened the door and walked inside. King was still sleeping.

I grabbed a blanket and got in the uncomfortable chair. I curled up and tried to get some sleep.

"Mo?" I heard King say.


"Why did you pick the name Miracle?"

"Because, it was a miracle that she survived and her mother didn't."





I decided on leaving the hospital today to go shopping for Miracle. King and I didn't have a thing at home for her. No milk, diapers, clothes or anything.

Dorian came with me so I wouldn't be alone.

"Look at these little baby shoes Mo. Aren't they cute!?" Dori said excitedly.

I sighed. "Yea."

"You still upset about Yonica?" She asked.

I shrugged a little. "Just more nervous about Miracle."

"Don't worry Mo. You're gonna be a great mommy."

"I hope so."

We spent about four hours in the baby boutique. Dorian helped me pick out cute outfits for Miracle. And also all the baby necessities that we needed.

"This is heavy." Dori said struggling to put the stroller in the trunk.

I laughed and helped her put in into the trunk. Once we put everything inside the car we headed to target to purchase milk and diapers.

I got a call from King while driving.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Sup baby. Where you at?"

"Getting stuff for Miracle. I'll be back at the hospital in a few."

"Alright." He hung up and I got in the driver's seat.

I drove all the way back to the hospital. I found King standing at the nursery staring at Miracle.

I put my head on his shoulder and we stared at our daughter in silence.

My mind raced back to thinking about Yonica. I'm really going to miss her crazy ass, but everything happens for a reason. I'm just glad she was able to give birth to a beautiful little girl that I'm going to be a mommy too.

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