Ch. 39 - Unofficial

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"Well, actually," I start, looking down at my bruised and scraped arm, "my brother pushed me out of the top bunk yesterday morning."

Atticus raises his eyebrows. "Seriously?"

"Yep. And the whole thing is stupid because I'm supposed to be sleeping on the bottom bunk, but he faked a stomach illness and sent me to the top bunk."

"Why did he push you?"

I sigh. "Because, Atticus, my brother couldn't find his autographed Hugh Jackman phone case." I shake my head. "I don't think I'm going to survive four more days with this kid."

"Isn't your sister in Mexico? Why don't you just sleep in her room?"

"My uncle snores really loudly, so my aunt claimed the room before I even got home," I explain. "I don't blame her."

He laughs. "Well, you're always welcome at my place."

I smile, hoping he can't see the blush on my cheeks. "Uh...I-I don't think- I...uh..."

"Kidding," he says and nudges me with his elbow. "I know even the smallest thought of commitment freaks you out."

"Excuse me! That is not true!" I argue. "We've known each other for a few days! And-and I told you wasn't looking for anything serious anyway."

He just sits with a simple smile on his face. "Ivy, I know. I'm just messing with you, babe."

I cringe at the pet name, crossing my arms over my chest. "Okay. Just making sure you know that."

"I do." He stands up from the couch to go the kitchen. "You seriously remind me so much of my roommate."

I follow him into the apartment kitchen and sit on one of the stools. "What's he like? Completely responsible and understanding and caring and beautiful?"

"Pretty much sums it up." He pours us both a glass of water. "He's been dating this girl for like months, right? And he has never even thought about asking her to be his girlfriend. Hell, kid hasn't even told the girl he likes her!"

"Why is she still with him?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Some people are worth waiting for."

"Not a jackass like that," I say. "I'd leave him in an instant. You can't string somebody along for three months like that."

"Yeah, I've told him that she'll leave him soon."

"What'd he say?"

"Couldn't care less," Atticus says. "I feel so bad for her. Sometimes I just want to tell her to leave him. I mean, she's the sweetest girl."

I pout my lip. "Well, you don't think I'd do that to you, do you?"

"I don't know, Ivy. It's too early to say."

"I wouldn't, just so we're clear," I say. "What are you doing tonight?"

He shrugs. "Probably just chill at home. Maybe I'll go see a movie."

"You can't, sorry. It's actually my movie night with my friends and I can't have you meeting my friends this early in the game."

He rolls his eyes and pushes up the sleeves to his shirt. "You can't dictate whether I go to the movies or not this early in the game."

"Atticus," I whine, "come on! If you meet my friends, they'll think we're like a couple."

"Ew, we can't have them thinking that!" he exclaims, the sarcasm nearly choking me.

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